23 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

12 Days Of Christmas With The In-Laws Workout (Real Time Video)

Happy week of Christmas! At this very moment, there is a good chance I am in the car bothering Dan by singing loudly to the radio while we drive up 1-26 headed to Pickens for our Christmas vacation. I may have even put together a rather kick-ass Christmas playlist just for the occasion. I hope […]

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19 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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19 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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19 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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19 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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19 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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18 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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18 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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18 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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18 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect? I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it. I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called […]

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