09 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Take The #BreakfastStreak Challenge!

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It’s no secret that breakfast fuels your morning and stops your lunchtime pig-out before it starts. “Starting the day without breakfast is like building a house with no foundation. It will soon come crashing down,” says WH nutrition expert and registered dietician Keri Glassman, author of Slim Calm Sexy Diet. “When you wake up in the morning, your body has been fasting since before bedtime, meaning that your metabolism is at rest and needs energy in order to use up energy. You need to break the fast in the morning to boost your metabolism, provide energy for the day ahead, and lay that foundation for success.”

But sometimes you’re just too rushed to grab a bite for breakfast, and you miss this vital morning meal. It happens to the best of us—even WH staffers—which is why we’re embarking on The #BreakfastStreak Challenge: a commitment to consume the most important meal of the day, everyday for a month. Join us by tweeting a snapshot or description of your breakfast to @WomensHealthMag using the hashtag #breakfaststreak.

Oh! And you’ll get big-time brownie points if your b-fast includes fiber from whole grains (e.g., oatmeal or quinoa) or fruit (e.g., raspberries, pear); protein (e.g., egg or turkey bacon) OR healthy fat (e.g., nut butter or seeds); and milk/yogurt/milk substitute (e.g., Greek yogurt or almond milk). “The fiber will help you feel full and stabilize your blood sugar, and the fat or protein will provide satiety,” says Glassman.

More from WH: 
Best Breakfast Ideas
Slim Calm Sexy Diet Breakfast Ideas
Speedy Breakfast Ideas

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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