30 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The 10 Day 5 Workout Ultimate Fitness Challenge

By admin

Unfortunately, I am still out of commission.

My back is definitely feeling better, but I am taking this very seriously and making sure to give my body time to heal. I would much rather take one week off from working out to avoid a more serious issue where I’ll be stuck on steroids (I hate steroids) and out of the fitness thing for multiple weeks.

I’m thinking 1 more day of rest, heat, and anti-inflammatories will be just what the doctor ordered! Perhaps some light movement and stretching tomorrow.

Since I’m stuck on my couch with my heating pad, I want to make sure you’re working out enough for the two of us… because it totally works that way!


Originally, I had planned on sharing a killer new shoulder workout today, but clearly that’s going to have to wait a week. Just take my word that it’s a good one.

Instead, I am going to pull together my favorite 5 workouts from the past couple of months. And give you a challenge, a real challenge…

My challenge to you: complete all five within the next 10 days… that’s a new workout every other day.

Can you do it?

I will make sure to link up to the original workout so you can go back to reference the moves (most have video and GIFs to help).

Let’s do this…


The 10 Day 5 Workout Fitness Challenge

Oh, one last thing… yes you have to go in order! Why? Because it’s more fun that way, duh.






Day 10:

For Day 10, I challenge you to choose any workout above and repeat it, trying to do better than you did that first time.

I will plan on doing a spotlight to those of you who participate in the challenge, so make sure to snap a picture post workout, during workout, or whatever and post it up on the Facebook page or Instagram (just make sure to tag me!). I’ll then do a shout out post on the blog!

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So of course my question to you is…

Are you in? Start today, tomorrow or Aug. 1!

Whip Six Feed

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