27 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The $150 Turkey Day Abs Bet

By admin

$ 150 is a good amount of money to win. Especially, around the holidays!

So when Dan suggested such a waging bet, I thought for about 0.25 seconds before shaking his hand.

Poor guy, he’s going to lose $ 150…

What’s the bet?

ab challenge

The 6-Pack Turkey Day Challenge  

Can I get a 6-pack by Thanksgiving?

He is saying no… I’m saying oh yes.

Now before you roll your eyes, there is a back story to this.

I’ve been saying for years, like 5 years, that I will get a 6-pack. But when it comes down to it, I just don’t take action. Of course I workout hard, and I eat mostly very healthy, but at the end of the day I just push the thought aside and pour a glass of wine. Promising myself that one day I will make it happen. And each time I declare that I’ll do it, my husband rolls his eyes and says, “I’ve heard that before.”

He’s just being honest (I promise he’s not a jerk).

This is a personal goal. I don’t think that everyone should set it, but it’s something that I have wanted and it’s something I know I can achieve.

I just needed the motivation! When I announced last week I was going to start changing things up, he suggested the bet and that’s all it took.

It’s funny how motivating money can be, especially when it’s coming from your spouse. I don’t mind taking his money (after all, it’s likely to be spent on his Christmas presents).

But there are some ground rules that have been laid down:

Thou Shall Not… 

These are the rules set by Dan to help me stay healthy and to show that you can get results without starvation and over exercise. My goal is to achieve results that can be maintained. Not stage results.

  1. I am not allowed to increase my number of workouts days
  2. I am not allowed to eliminate any food groups (aside from the wheat-free challenge we’re doing now)
  3. I am not allowed to obsess over the challenge (which he will monitor)
  4. Set real expectations. In my profession and after years of working out, I know my body and I know what it’s capable of. I also know that my figure isn’t one that is capable of having abs like the gorgeous Maggie Diubaldo.

Maggie Diubaldo


That’s not what I am after… I’m after my own personal best.

What will I be doing that I’m not doing already? 

  • Tracking my progress
  • Lifting heavy… this is about ADDING more muscle!
  • Cutting back wine. I’ll allow myself 1 glass on Friday and 1 glass on Saturday per week.
  • Increasing carbs during/after a long runs to help fight potential muscle breakdown
  • Hydrating, I started drinking 3 liters of water/day a few days ago and I am feeling great. I will up it to 4 liters next week (side note: I am TERRIBLE at drinking water during the day so this is going to be a huge benefit).
  • Limiting my fruit. I love love love fruit and could live off of it. As great as it is nutrient-wise, fruit is high in sugar. So I’ll be cutting back on my fruit to allow just 1 serving/day. No bananas, grapes or other high sugar fruits.
  • Cutting out wheat. This is because our wheat-free experiment is only in it’s 2nd week. I will likely keep it going just to keep the variables equal throughout this challenge.

Gathering My Baseline Information

Yes, I am doing this… sharing my progress with you all. This is my stomach as of yesterday (Thur), right after  a run and breakfast at 8am:

ab bet challenge

As for my stats: 

  • Weight: 114 lbs
  • Fat%: 18.6%
  • Waist (at the slimmest part): 27 inches

So let’s do this!

I’ll share my progress here every 4 weeks. Wish me luck!

Dan is going down!

Do you and your spouse ever make bets?

Someone not impressed with the bet? 


“This better not interfere with my kitty crunchies in the morning…”

What do you think she’s thinking?

Whip Six Feed

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