03 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The 25 Reps Of Christmas Workout {Bodyweight}

By admin

Someone in a recent boot camp said it pretty well when she said… “I’ve got to get into my little black dress for the holidays!”

We’re all either trying to accomplish 2 things this December when it comes to our bodies:

  1. Maintain our current figure while heading out to more social events and enjoying a few more sweets than normal. Or…
  2. Work our butts off over the next few weeks so that we look fabulous, no drop dead gorgeous, at holiday parties and New Years.

Which are you?

Personally, I’m a bit of both. I want to look amazing on our Christmas vacation (more on this later) but I also want to enjoy the holidays and just stay in a healthy, balanced place. I’m comfortable with myself but I also want to make sure that I’m burning just as many calories as I am taking in.

Which means I might be upping the intensity of my workouts just a bit over the next few weeks. <— Without overdoing it!!! That’s key! After a 2 week rest, my body is ready!

To help kick it all off, I designed this workout on Monday (December 1st) for my boot campers. They loved it and I loved it. Oh, and I woke up yesterday incredibly sore!

Holy shoulders, abs and hamstrings! Nothing was spared. This workout is one of the best TOTAL body workouts I’ve done in a while. Truly, everything was targeted equally.

So naturally, I couldn’t not share it with you, my wonderful friends.

And yes, after seeing far too many ABC Family commercials for “The 25 Days Of Christmas” I was inspired for this…

The 25 Reps Of Christmas Workout

It’s completely body weight only (though I used my #44 kettlebell for the squats).

The idea is to simply go through the entire workout as quickly as possible. But please, don’t just rush through the reps, take the time to make each one count. <— That’s the only way to progress! 10 slow, good push-ups beats 20 crappy push-ups any day.

The premise: Complete 25 reps of each of the 25 exercises listed. Don’t skip around. All 25 reps of the move must be completed before moving to the next exercise. Deal?


Click image to enlarge

Those exercises with a * should have 25 reps PER leg.

Okay, so then now… let’s quickly go over some of these moves!

My friend and fellow trainer Ashton has started helping us out, so you’ll see a few examples with her too.

The 25 Days Of Christmas Exercise Tutorial

Low Lunge Taps

Squat Jacks

Slow Jacks


Found this oldie from when Dan filmed a workout and couldn’t resist using it! Ha.


Inch Worms

Plank Up-Downs

Donkey Kicks


Pike Push-Ups


Mt Climbers

Squat Jumps

Jumping Jacks

Lemon Squeezes

Leg Raises

Hollow Rocks

Diagonal Toe Touches

Lunge Walks

Close Squats

*Bring the legs in just shoulder width, no wider!

Shoulder Taps

Plank Jacks


There you have it! This workout takes about 25-35 minutes and goes by incredibly fast! Do it, you’ll love it. And please, if you like it… SHARE! Thank you so much!

What’s your favorite holiday movie that comes on television?

Easy… White Christmas.

Whip Six Feed

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