10 September 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The 5 Day 10 Minute Kettlebell Workout Challenge For Cool People

By admin

Happy Thursday! Have I ever mentioned that Thursdays are my favorite? Don’t ask why, but all of my life I’ve felt that Thursdays were simply the best. And if Thursday was a person, we would be friends.

Weird? Perhaps, but hey, I never claimed to be normal.

For months, if not years, Thursday has been my share a workout post. Unfortunately, with my leg, things have slightly changed on the workout front but that doesn’t mean I won’t be sharing workouts!

I could show you the workouts I’ve been doing, but do you really want to see me in a cast sitting down for an entire workout? Would you want to do a workout like that?

Probably not. But if you do, make sure to check out my instagram, I’ve been sharing a lot of the exercises I can do.


Instead, I thought it would be fun to share my favorite 10 minute workouts that kicked my butt here on the blog.

And because I love a good challenge, I’m challenging you to do 1 a day for the next 5 days.

As for the cool part? You’re here, so clearly you’re cool enough for this challenge!

Each day, add one of these to your workout, do it first thing in the morning to start the day, or make it your main workout for the day. Just do it and stay consistent for the next 5 days.

Are you in? Like me, if given a challenge or a dare, can you resist? Let’s see!

5 Workouts To Kick Your Butt In Less Than 10 Minutes

And if kettlebells aren’t your thing, you can definitely do this with dumbbells. Nothing in exercise is written in stone, so if something doesn’t work for you, change it in a way to make it work.

The workouts are all shown here, however if you have a question about the moves or how to do the workout, make sure to click on it to see it’s page. You’ll see exercise GIFs and a video run through!

Looking for a great heart thumper and core burner? This workout will deliver!

What’s the goal?

Set a timer for 10 minutes. Start with 3 reps of each exercise in the KB Flow circuit. Next complete the BW Circuit as stated. Then back to the KB Flow but with 4 reps of each, repeat the BW Circuit. Continue on for 10 minutes to see how high you can get the KB Flow moves!

Don’t worry, if you need to see it, click on the header to see the full workout run through (or click right below).

go the distance kettlebell workout

See the entire workout and details here.

Kettlebells meet bodyweight. I love this workout because it gives a great demo of how I actually run my kettlebell classes.

I think most people are under the impression that a kettlebell workout means all kettlebells from start to finish. Not at all, it’s important to toss in some body weight moves in there from time to time to focus on form, flexibility and recovery.

I love this circuit and I think you will too!

What’s the goal? 

It’s pretty self explanatory. Set a timer for 5 minutes and complete the 1st circuit as many times as possible. Rest for a minute or two, then reset the timer and complete the second circuit as many times as possible. That’s it! Go for it!

full body 10 minute kettlebell workout

See the full workout and details here

3. Frozen

I know we’re still all sick of the song, and hopefully the name of this workout won’t cause you to get frustrated because you’ll be singing “Let It Go” all day. Unlike the song, this workout isn’t over played and it’s still very fresh and new.

Oh, and it’s awesome.

You don’t often think that simply holding a weight will cause such a heart pumping, muscle burning affect but it does. Which is why I love this workout…

At first glance, it’s like, “oh this isn’t going to be bad. 20-seconds! I can do that!” But man, it gets tough, fast!

If you grab a 5 pound weight, it might not be tough, so grab something that will challenge you!

What’s the goal? 

Complete the frozen circuit 2 times. Moves to the Don’t Freeze Circuit, complete once. Repeat the entire thing 1-2 more times.

10 Minute Kettlebell Workout Frozen. Total body, fast workout #kettlebells

Click for the full workout and details.

This workout is no joke! The reps are high, which means your kettlebell weight might be lower than normal. That’s okay!

What’s the goal?

Simple… just work your way down the circuit as quickly as possible. 100 swings may sound impossible, but again, going with a lighter kettlebell and just find your rhythm. And rest when needed.

If you think this might take you longer than 10 minutes, set a timer and see how far you can get before the timer buzzes. Then try the workout next week and see if you can get farther!

#Kettlebell Warrior Workout: A great cardio blast and muscle toner.

This workout is a great testimate for the power of kettlebells. My body has changed so much since I made this workout. And while, I’m not thrilled with the images, it’s a great workout and a reminder for how far my body has come!

Click for the full workout and details.

Are you ready for the final workout? This baby is no joke! Cardio with the jump rope, muscle toning with the kettlebells… get ready to sweat and burn. All in 10 minutes.

What’s the goal? 

Set a timer for 10 rounds of 60-seconds. You’ll complete the circuit twice (there are 5 moves). The idea is to complete the exercise and follow it up with either 10 double unders or 25 normal jump rope. What’s left of your minute is rest, if the timer goes off before you’re done, you stop where you are and move straight to the next exercise.

You will complete the circuit 2, for a total workout time of 10 minutes.

Got it? Sweet!

10 Minute Thunder & Lightening #Kettlebell Workout and Jump Rope Workout

See the workout and details here.

5 workouts, 10 minutes each, no excuses.

What I love about 10 minute workouts is that they’re doable. Squeeze one in before work, during lunch or while dinner is cooking. Super simple.

In fact, Dan and I will often choose 2 or 3 short workouts like these and just do them throughout the day as a way to move more and get away from the computer screen.

The Broken Leg 10 Minute Workout

As a bonus, here’s what I did the other day after my pull-up workout:

45 seconds of exercise, 15 seconds of rest…

  1. 1-legged squats (on the right leg)
  2. Seated kettlebell ground to overhead
  3. Bench Leg Raises
  4. 1 Legged Inch Worms
  5. Kneeling Leg Raises (Left leg lifting up)

broken leg workout

I completed this for 2 rounds! 

Whip Six Feed

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