10 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Age Of The Booty – Bodacious Booty Workout

By admin

I know you’re pumped for a new Lifting Revolution Fitness & Nutrition Show to start your Monday off on the right foot!

However, there has been a change to the regularly scheduled program… today it’s just the fitness show. Later this week, I will share the nutrition show.

Why? Because both are great and deserve their own segment, but also because shorter videos makes it easier for you to fit them into your life. Right?

Let me know if you prefer it this way or if you liked the combined version!

Lifting Revolution’s Fitness Show: The Age Of The Booty

Have you ever met someone and from the moment you said hello, you knew that you would have a lot in common? An instant connection?

That’s what happened to me last week when I sat down to interview Molly Galbraith. She’s a fitness entrepreneur, she’s strong, and she’s blonde… what’s there not to like?

I’m going to be sharing the interview with you tomorrow, however I have to give her credit for inspiring today’s workout… The Age Of The Booty Burner. 

Just go with it, you’ll get the full details below.

The ‘Age of The Arse’: Bodacious Booty Workout

Each time I do an interview, I spend some time researching and trying to learn as many interesting fun facts about the interviewee as possible. Well, while I was stalking researching Molly I discovered her twitter page.. for her arse.

Again, I am sharing the whole interview tomorrow but after all the arse talk, it’s all I had on my mind when I sat down to design some workouts. After the interview, you will also understand the workout’s name. Promise.

Bottomline… do the workout but come back tomorrow to learn why it is what it is!

bodacious booty workout

What’s on the agenda for the nutrition? 

On Friday I mentioned that I have been taking Athletic Greens, so later this week I am going to share why the heck I take them, are they worth it, and why are “green supplements” so popular right now?

Do you like working your booty? 

Have you taken any green supplements? Which ones?

Whip Six Feed

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