20 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Battery To The Beach Retirement Run

By admin

Remember earlier in the week where I shared my fitness timeline?

Well, it looks like I am not the only one that changes their goals, loves, and fitness passions.

On Monday, my friend Jeanette posted this…


Jeanette has been my fit-friend since I first got fit. We met just as I was kicking off my boot camp and she was the first trainer I hired! We go way back.

We’ve cheered each other on, given each other advice, and given tough love to one another when we need to step it up.

I guess you can say we are each other’s Yoda when we need it. The roll going back and forth.

This weekend (tomorrow), to celebrate her breakup with running, we are ending on a runner’s high.


Battery To The Beach

Apparently, this is a real run route that many people do here. For some strange reason, I’ve never thought of it.

But when Jeanette suggested it a month ago, I shrugged my shoulders and as I always do when she suggests something, and said:

“What the heck, let’s do it.”

We will be starting at the Battery of downtown Charleston. From there, running over THE bridge to Mount Pleasant and continuing on to a 2nd bridge so that we end on Sullivan’s Island… the beach.


We’ve mapped our route, we know the milage and we’re set to go! To be honest, in my head the run seemed a lot farther than it maps out… at just around 11.5 miles.

Not so bad.

Afterwards, we’ll put her running shoes in a box decorated with race bibs and bury them in the sand between the dunes.

Okay, maybe that part won’t happen, but it would be pretty awesome.

I love that we’re doing this together and I can’t wait for the new adventures and goals that J sets as she turns her back to running.

I will make sure to share the adventure via Instagram, so if you’re not following me go ahead and start!

Name Your Favorite

I very rarely do quizzes or surveys on LiftingRevolution, however I came upon this “Name Your Favorite” survey from Bonnie and thought it would be a fun way to end the week.

Let’s do this…

Person: This is tough! I love a lot of people. But it was my nieces birthday yesterday, so I’ll go with her, Lainey. Everytime I see her, she makes me smile. I love the innocence and excitement of a 3-year old.


My SIL and Lainey on vacation this week! Miss not being able to see her on her birthday!

Color: Blue has always been my favorite color! But I love green and purples too.

Food: Muddy Water’s Iced Lattes (does that count as a “food”?) and salads. I can’t get enough salads lately! This always happen when the temperatures are high.


Smell: I love the smell of Dove Soap. Also, sunscreen. Love sunscreen.

Book: This is tough… but I think my favorite is still Abraham Lincoln: Malice Towards None. Great biography!

Drink: Seltzer water with lime juice and iced lattes.

Fruit: I eat an apple every day… a pink lady.


Vegetable: Brussel sprouts. We eat them every single day.

Workout: Kettlebells, sprints, intense bodyweight circuits.

Quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” – Our Deepest Fear


Potato Chip Flavor: I haven’t had chips in years. I’m just not a big chip person.

Meal Of The Day: Breakfast! I got to bed excited to wake up for breakfast.

Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip.

Season: I used to LOVE summer, but now I think I am more of a spring person. If the temperature could be 60-70 degrees every day, I would be happy. I guess I should move to San Francisco.

Dessert: Anything really, but I love frozen yogurt (even before it was so popular) with chocolate chips and coconut mixed in.

Your turn…

Choose one or more topics above and let me know your favorites!

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