19 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Benefits Of Apple Pie Spice & The Apple Pie Smoothie Your Grandma Would Hate

By admin

If your grandmother’s apple pie had a heated love affair with a carton of melted vanilla ice cream, this shake would be their love baby.


I’m not kidding. It’s that good.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

First things first, let’s cover some nutrition. You know, just in case you need a reason to make this shake, or an apple pie.

A few months ago, I wrote an article on the health benefits of pumpkin spice. Pumpkin was all the rage (and still is) but I felt that we all deserved to know why it’s actually a good idea to sprinkle some spice onto your toast, coffee, pancakes, and everything else you can think of.

Well, the same goes for apple pie spice. I’m a huge fan of using spices and herbs to add flavor to foods without adding calories and sodium.

And the added health benefits, well that’s just a bonus!

The Benefits Of Apple Pie Spice

What is apple pie spice?

apple pie spice

It’s a blend of:

  1. 4 Tsp Cinnamon
  2. 2 Tsp Nutmeg
  3. 1 Tsp Allspice

With the recommendation that for every 6 medium apples used in a recipe, you should use around 1 1/2 tsp of spice. That is a low range for me, I love spice and would likely use a lot more. Bring it!

Why You Should Spice Up Your Apples
  • Cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar levels and control insulin.
  • Cinnamon fights yeast infections by helping to kill the fungus Candida. It is also used to help preserve food thanks to this trait.
  • Allspice has compounds that have anti-flatulent abilities. Gassy?
  • Allspice also contains an oil, eugenol, which has antiseptic qualities making it great for oral health.
  • Cinnamon and nutmeg reduce inflammation! Which after the run this past weekend, I am all about an anti-inflammatory diet for the next 2 weeks. Add some ginger for extra help!
  • Nutmeg is a stimulant helping to deliver energy and alertness. Worried about falling asleep after your Thanksgiving meal? Sprinkle some nutmeg in your coffee.
  • Nutmeg is rumored to be helpful for boosting libido in men! <— Aphrodisiac
  • Great for digestion and overall IBS issues.

If that’s not reason enough to make this shake… how about this:

It’s delicious! And festive for this time of year. Aren’t you sick and tired of pumpkin EVERYTHING?

Right now all I’m craving are apples and gingerbread (which recipe is coming soon).

The Apple Pie Shake That Replaces Grandma’s Pie



1 cup almond milk, unsweetened

1 scoop vanilla protein

1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce

1/2 – 1 red delicious apple (depending on size)

1/2 tsp apple pie spice


Blend everything together!


What’s your favorite pie to eat at Thanksgiving?

I LOVE pecan pie but it’s soooo bad for you! But oh so good!

Whip Six Feed

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