02 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Best Foods For a Healthy Heart

By admin

Do your heart a favor and reach for the olive oil: People who eat a Mediterranean diet high in extra virgin olive oil and nuts are 30 percent less likely to suffer from heart disease, according to The New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers from the University of Barcelona recruited 7,500 people from Spain with pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and other heart-related diseases for their study. The participants were then assigned to one of three groups: two that followed variations on the Mediterranean diet (one added four tablespoons of olive oil per day to their diets, while the other group added 30 grams of nuts per day to theirs) and a third group that was put on a low-fat diet. Both Mediterranean diet groups were discouraged from consuming baked sweets, red and processed meats, and soda. Over the five-year study, the low-fat dieters were more likely to abandon the program than either of the Mediterranean diet groups.

Some experts worry the results might be skewed because participants were also taking medications for their conditions. But Robert Eckel, MD, a professor at the University of Colorado Denver, says that’s not the case.

“This shows that, even in a high-risk group with a lot of hypertension, ultimately a healthy diet works,” he says. “Many people think that if a patient is on a medication they may not need a good diet—not true.”

Add some staples of the Mediterranean diet into your meal plan with these fast and simple recipes:

Top off grilled salmon with an herb-infused olive oil dressing.

Mix pine nuts and olive oil into nutrient-packed couscous.

Up your veggie intake with these roasted Mediterranean vegetables.

Invite some friends over for some party-ready Greek-salad skewers.

photo: Hemera/Thinkstock

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