08 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Best Plant-Based {Vegan} Protein Powders + Apple Pie Protein Shake

By admin

Even if I wasn’t a veggie obsessed eater, I would still be opting for a plant-based protein over traditional whey.

Dan tells me regularly that the change in proteins is the best part of my being vegan.

When we first started using a supplement (like 8 years ago), we always used whey. It was the protein we had been lead to believe was the best for our bodies and goals (and to be honest, the only thing I knew).

Whey –> Quick absorption and easy to digest. That was what we were after.

But what we weren’t after was feelings of bloat and gas. Yet, these awesome side effects always followed our post-workout shake regiment.

I began to do some research on whey and here’s what I discovered:

Why I Don’t Whey

– Whey is derived from milk, and being lactose-intolerant I felt it affected my system. Though some reports say it’s void of lactose, others say it does have it. With the “he said – she said” debates, I find it better to avoid it.

– Common side affects include bloating, diahhrea, and cramps. This isn’t for all whey products, I’ve discovered over the years that like electronics, you get what you pay for. The better quality proteins are far easier to digest by the body, but who wants to keep testing them to see what works and what doesn’t?

– Too high of protein. Have you ever looked at how much protein is in a single scoop of your whey? Some have over 30 grams, which is simply a waste of cash. The body is only able to absorb so much at a time. What can’t be taken in to the muscles has to be excreted, which can put stress on the liver and kidneys.

The Best Vegan Proteins (In My Opinion)

Going vegan forced me to do some more research.

Protein supplements are really important in our home as they help Dan and I both ensure we’re getting our protein and that we’re getting enough calories. Something that has been harder for Dan since moving towards a more plant based diet.

After researching I had a few…

Protein Ground Rules: 

-Soy Free

-GMO Free

-Hormone Free

-Must contain between 20 – 25 grams of protein. The optimal amount for both Dan and I for protein supplementation.

-Had to taste good (protein isn’t cheap, and I want something that taste great).

After trying several (several chalky and gross ones), here’s what we’ve discovered meets all the criteria:

SunWarrior (I’ve written a previous review here)

Vega Blend


I truly support both companies and recommend both to my clients.

What I love about Vega is that it was founded by athlete Brendan Frazier.

A vegan athletic line created by a vegan athlete. He understands what is needed to recover, build, and improve which I love.

So much so that I’ve actually joined the Vega Team as an ambassador and I couldn’t be more excited!


While, I receive products to review from time to time (I LOVE the protein bars, especially the Coconut Chocolate), I still have to purchase products on my own… so clearly, I love the company!

The downside of Vega is that they are a bit on the pricier side of the protein line. It’s tastier than the Sunwarrior and has a few more grams of protein per serving, however if saving money is your thing then there is absolutely nothing wrong with the SunWarrior option!

We go between the two for that reason.

The Apple Pie Shake


I know what you’re thinking… another apple recipe?

Yes, because I LOVE apples in the fall!

I made this yesterday and I was seriously upset when I sipped the final sip. More please??

Blend Together: 

1 Apple, sliced (Honey crisp was my choice)

1 Tsp Apple Pie Spice

1 Tsp Honey

1 Cup Ice

1 Cup Almond Milk

Scoop Vega Vanilla Protein

What’s your favorite protein? Have you tried either of these?

Whip Six Feed

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