09 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Best Time to Have Sex

By admin

Mark this date on your calendars, ladies: A new study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that around day 14 of your menstrual cycle, your clitoris grows up to 20 percent bigger and becomes engorged more easily, upping your chance of arousal.

A group of Italian researchers studied 24 women between the ages of 18 and 35. Using ultrasound equipment, they took measurements of each woman’s clitoris and the main artery that feeds blood into the clitoris, causing arousal. They did this at the beginning, middle, and end phases of each woman’s menstrual cycle. The researchers found that on day 14 of a woman’s cycle, her clitoris actually grows in size. And not just by a tiny bit—it swells by 15-20 percent on average. On top of this, the clitoral artery becomes less restricted, meaning blood can travel to your love button more easily. These changes make it easier than ever for you to get turned on, so why not take advantage?

Day 14 is also around the time that ovulation occurs, so it makes sense that your body is gunning for some action. In fact, the women in the study reported having more sex mid-cycle than at any other time.

Cesare Battaglia, MD, PhD, a researcher at the University of Bologna and one of the study authors, says that the surge in estradiol (natural estrogen) around the time of ovulation is probably what causes these changes. But you don’t have to tell your partner that—just schedule a date night for day 14.

Looking for more ways to give your sex life a boost? Read more about how maximize your pleasure between the sheets:

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Orgasms 411: Have a Weegasm Tonight

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Print It: The Better-Sex Diet

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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