14 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Big Chill Workout: Is One Side Stronger Than The Other?

By admin

Happy Columbus Day to those of you that get it off! Enjoy the extra day of sleep and the satisfaction of knowing that it’s just a 4-day work week.

And to those of you, like me, that find themselves waking up to an alarm clock and having a “typical” Monday… let’s make the best out of it, shall we?

Which ever category you fall into, one thing is certain: It’s a great day for a workout!

Are You Stronger On One Side? 

Do you have one side that’s stronger than the other?

For example, is your right arm stronger than the left? A lot of times when we workout we end up a little unbalanced because we rely more on one side of the body than the other.

It’s normal. Most right handed people have a stronger right side while left handed people have a stronger left side… makes sense!

When I workout I really try to have a balanced program that makes me used both sides equally. That’s why I love dumbbells and kettlebells so much. And why I often forgo barbells for one of the other weight options.

But weights aren’t essential to ensure a balanced program. You just have to really focus on it. And that’s exactly what this workout does!

The Chill Workout: Right = Left

Here’s what the workout looks like:


That’s 45-seconds of each exercise… complete the entire circuit and then do it 2 more times for a grand total of 3 Rounds! Those lizard push-ups killed me!

Curious as to what lizard push-ups are? Here’s the video demonstrating all of the exercises! See, no reason to not get this baby done today!


Why The Chill? 

We filmed this workout last week while Charleston was being hit with some of the bands from a tropical storm. Gusts of winds were swirling around and the skies looked as if they would open up  any minute.

To Dan and I, it was the perfect setting for an October workout! Of course it’s still Obliquetober over at Fit Womens Weekly, and while these are some of the moves in this week’s workout… it’s not the actual workout.

If you want to see the full program  you can do so here!

I Got The {Magic} Stick

I mentioned yesterday how my run went this past weekend. What I forgot to tell you is what I received!

I was given a $ 50 gift card to my favorite running store here in Charleston. Because I’m not one of those people that can hold on to a gift card (or cash), Dan and I headed to Fleet Feet (yes, I went there 2 days in a row) as soon as I was showered up!

I knew exactly what I would use my gift card on… THE stick.


Ever since I was told I have crazy tight calves, I’ve been dreaming of this roller. I’ve told Dan probably a dozen times that I expected one for Christmas. No more though, because now I have one to call my own.

It truly is magical, and I can already tell a difference in my tightness after just 2 days of using it.

I think I’ll likely do a tutorial soon on using rollers (foam and stick), if that’s something that would interest you let me know!

Bring on Monday, I’m relaxed and ready to roll this week!

What’s something that you already know you want for Christmas? 

Do you roll your muscles?

Whip Six Feed

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