25 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Charleston Battery To The Beach Run Recap

By admin

On Friday I mentioned that Jeanette and I were going to run from the Charleston Battery to the beach at Sullivan’s Island.

It was mapped out to be 11.5 miles.

Neither of us are in half marathon shape, but we didn’t care. It was more about the experience, and less about the time it took us to complete.

It was a gorgeous run, and I am so glad that we did it. Now granted, it was over 80-degrees already when we started at 6:15 am, so it was hot. But still worth it.

Here are a few pictures for our experience.

If you’re in Charleston or coming to visit and looking for a great run, this is it. A challenge because you go over 2 bridges… but since you’re technically running through 3 towns (Charleston, Mt Pleasant, Sullivan’s Island) you can’t ask for a better tour!


Yes, at 5:13 am it was already 78 degrees… and humid. Very humid. We met at the end of the run to drop off one car and then made our way to the start…


The corner of the Battery


We had some awesome cloud coverage for the first half!

From the Battery, we made our way to Water Front Park and straight to the bridge… for those of you not familiar with Charleston…

We have several bridges but only one that is “THE bridge”.

cooper river bridge



Top of the bridge pics and stretch!

Once on the other side, we were over 1/3 of the way done!


Unfortunately, my Nike GPS decided to go crazy and didn’t keep accurate milage at all… at this point it was telling me that we had not gone 4 miles… when in reality we were over 5. By the end it was reading 4 miles short.

Any GPS recommendations?

From here, it was on to Shem Creek… one of my favorite places!


So calm and beautiful!


Unfortunately there isn’t much between Shem Creek and the bridge taking us to the island… just running. I loved the picture stops along the way.

We did stumble upon this…


I had no idea it was a real trail! Pretty cool.

A straight run down Coleman Blvd eventually led us to the Ben Sawyer Bridge:


It’s not huge, but when you’re legs are tired it feels like a mountain!


And then this happened…


With the heat and the sun bearing down, to say we were excited to be on the island was an understatement.

The home stretch until our shoes would be off and our toes getting massaged by the sand!

But first we had to make it past an angry bike rider who apparently was upset with us because we saw him fall? So upset, he felt the urge to cuss us out from a distance! Still don’t know what that was about. He was fine BTW.

And then…


When this is your finish line, how can you be tired or disappointed? You can’t.

It was perfect.

This was the first run where I have made it all about the adventure, and not about pace. We stopped for pictures, stopped for water, and just truly took it all in.

I need to do more runs like this, to remind myself why I love to run and why I love this town.

As you may have seen… my fitness day didn’t stop here. When I got home, I convinced Dan to go rock climbing with me for the first time!

Check out my mad climbing skills. Ha!


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What’s your favorite thing about the city you live in?

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