09 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Crucial New Law That Protects Women

By admin

In awesome female advocacy news, President Obama signed the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) this Thursday, expanding the protection and services offered to victims of domestic and sexual violence. The act, originally passed in 1994, already made states enforce stricter laws against domestic and sexual abuse, but the new version features updated language and provisions that are even more extensive than before. While these changes won’t go into effect immediately, they should be implemented soon after the appropriate agencies receive adequate funding.

VAWA has already been updated several times over the past few years to outlaw dating violence and stalking, provide safe housing for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and increase funding for grant programs, according to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). Every time the act is up for reauthorization, congress and advocacy group members take advantage of the opportunity to improve it further, says Cindy Southworth, vice president of development and innovation at the NNEDV. This latest version addresses several oversights in previous iterations to ensure that more women have access to the legal and safety resources available to them—regardless of their circumstances. As Obama said during the signing ceremony yesterday, “All women deserve the right to live free from fear. That’s what today is about.”

While every woman can benefit from legislation that works to end violence, the latest revision addresses a few groups in particular:

Native American Women
In the past, violations that occurred outside of their communities’ jurisdiction may have fallen through the cracks. Now, tribal courts have the jurisdiction to charge non-native individuals who harm native women on tribal lands.

The LGBT Community
The new act prohibits discrimination against LGBT survivors seeking access to crisis services, such as The National Domestic Violence Hotline and transitional housing. Even though VAWA has already helped plenty of LGBT victims in the past, the act now explicitly states that these resources are available to them, Southworth says.

Previously, immigrant victims attempting to flee an abuser may have hit a roadblock; it’s difficult to stay in the country if you rely on your husband for your citizenship. New provisions will help victims to navigate that tricky process.

College Students
The latest version of the act also requires colleges to document acts of violence, report any cases of it, and create programs to educate students about anti-violence resources available on campus.

Want to help the cause? To donate time or money to a crisis center near you, visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

photo: iStockPhoto/Thinkstock

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