07 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Extra Dirty Thirty Full Body Workout

By admin

This past weekend was amazing! I could not have asked for a better 30th birthday. I’ll share it all below. But first, there is one more thing left to do:

This workout.

I may have indulged in a few too many bites of chocolate fudge ice cream cake and a few too many glasses of wine.

Do I feel bad or guilty? No!

After all, a girl only turns 30 once. But I was very very excited when Dan and I decided to head to the gym yesterday. My body craved the movement, the sweat and the burn. And I actually love working out just as much as I love wine and chocolate, so it only made sense to workout on my birthday… doing the things I love most.

The Extra Dirty Thirty Workout

Ask my boot campers and they will all agree that I should have been a kindergarten teacher. I love creating workouts around holidays and special events. It adds extra spice and makes each workout just a bit more fun. And fun, is really what exercise should be about!

Just because there aren’t a ton of exercises, don’t think that this workout can’t deliver results. I assure you by the end of your first round, you’re heart will be racing and muscles very much awake.

Here’s what you’re going to do for the workout (just in case you don’t have time to watch the video):


Complete 5 Rounds: 

    • 6 Spiderman Burpees
    • 30 High Knees
    • 30 Lunges
    • 30 Mt Climbers
    • 30 Shoulder Taps

Set a timer and see how long it takes you from start to finish! Try to keep your rest to a minimum and really go all out. Love to hear what you think!

Not sure about some of the moves? 

Spiderman Burpees

    • Jump down to a push-up position, do a push-up.
    • Perform a spiderman crunch with each leg before jumping back up to the sky.

High Knees

    • Run in place, driving your knees up as high as possible.


    • Perform these standing in place, with a reverse step.
    • Keep the shoulders back, chest up and back straight.

Mt Climbers

    • Start at the top of a push-up position and quickly drive the knees forward one at a time.
    • Keep the hips down and core engaged. Shoulders should remain over the wrists.

Shoulder Taps

    • Stay in plank from the Mt Climbers.
    • Keep the core tight so that as you perform the exercise, the hips do not rotate from side to side.
    • Tap the right shoulder with the left hand and vice versa.

After filming this video, I also filmed a Fit Women’s Weekly workout and then finished a new upcoming kettlebell program that Dan and I have been working out (details to come SOON).

To say my body was tired by the end is an understatement. And to be honest, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I feel blessed to be able to do what I do. To feel my body getting stronger with age, not weaker.

Happy Birthday To Me

Like I mentioned above, I had an amazing weekend celebrating the end of my 20s. I am so thankful for my family and friends!

Here’s a quick recap in “mostly” pictures! After all, I don’t want to keep you too long so that you can get the workout in!


Friday, the birthday festivities kicked off when my friend Ashton showed my at my door with this gorgeous display of chocolate covered strawberries and champagne. They were delicious… and some how have all disappeared.

Saturday morning, Dan and I woke up and enjoyed breakfast together before going on what I thought was a trail run. On the way to a new trail (that’s what he told me), we made a pit stop at Starbucks. Except, that as we walked to the coffee shop, I was shoved into the spa right next door and informed I was getting a message instead.

I was shocked. I just stood looking at him going “really?”.


Urban Nirvana is hands down the best! I walked out refreshed and feeling amazing.

Originally we had made plans to go rock climbing, but because of the Cooper River Bridge run, the indoor climbing wall was closed for the day. Quick change of plans had us driving out to see the Charleston Tea Plantation. It wasn’t that awesome but at least we can say we’ve been.


After the quick lesson in tea we needed some excitement so we decided to go downtown to a new to us beer garden: The Biergarten on East Bay.


The atmosphere was crazy because of the bridge run but it made it a lot of fun for people watching. After a few cocktails and sun, it was time to get home where Dan treated me to an amazing dinner.


This is seriously the 4th time in 9 years that he’s cooked. Which is crazy because he’s a great cook! It just takes him a LOOONNGGG time to get dinner on the table. His creation was stuffed peppers with brussel sprouts, chicken and caramelized onions. It was delicious!


And dinner wouldn’t have been complete without dessert…


That would be dark chocolate fudge ice cream cake…. homemade. The ice cream was made out of dark chocolate cocoa and coconut milk. While the cake was made of peanut flour, chocolate and a whole bunch of love.

It was to die for, if I do say so myself!

New York, New York

Sounds like a great birthday, right? Well, it was! And it didn’t end there.

Yesterday, on my actual birthday, we went to my parents to celebrate. My mom and sister-in-law surprised me BIG time.

My first present…

This new Spartina purse for the summer



A surprise trip to New York City for the end of April! 

I’ve never been to NY before and I couldn’t be more excited. For a moment I just sat staring at my plane itinerary before I realized what was happening. There may have been tears.

This truly the best birthday I’ve ever had. Why would anyone not want to turn 30?

Have you ever been to New York?
Where should we go!? 

Whip Six Feed

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