13 December 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Final Race Of 2013 + A Look At The Past

By admin

Oh Friday, how I love it when you come fast! Especially after a productive week.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet but Dan and I have officially rented our first studio gym! We’ve been running boot camps in karate studios, gymnastics facilities, etc and now we have our very own gym to call home.

I’ve been crazy busy getting everything together for it this week, but I’ll share details soon.

Today, I want to talk running.

Perhaps the last running post of the year!

Why? Because tomorrow is my last race of the year! Okay so I guess next to last, I’ll recap on Sunday.

As much as I love to run and race, I’m pretty excited to take a few weeks off. I was beginning to get a bit burnt out over it all and I’m excited to turn my attention to some new goals.

But before that can happen, I have to get through tomorrow..

The Kiawah Half Marathon


Katie and I decided about 6 weeks ago to sign up for the Kiawah Island Half Marathon. I haven’t mentioned it yet but I am excited. It just hasn’t been a topic of conversation on the blog lately.

The course should be gorgeous, since Kiawah is one of my favorite places in the area for it’s natural beauty. And it will be great to be back just a few months after our last visit:

I originally had the goal to break 1.45, however it has since changed to just finish. I’ve had some pain in my right foot off and on for a few weeks now, so I’ve been taking it easy, very easy. A visit to the chiropractor is on the agenda today to get it taped up and run ready.

If you’re running Kiawah, I would love to meet up!

A Look At The Past

My friend MissZippy, put up a survey of her runs from 2013. I thought it would be fun to jump in and do the same. After all, this year was epic in terms of the number of races I did.

After tomorrow, I have raced at least 16 times this year. By far the most ever.

So let’s do a little recap, shall we?

Best Race Experience? 

Would be the Laurel Ridge Trail Invitational. The people, the course, the weekend… everything was wonderful. This trail race was the hardest race I’ve ever EVER done, and at times I wanted to cry, but it was an amazing experience that I hope to repeat! We have a trail race planned for January!

Best Run? 

The Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon. I went in feeling prepared and confident for this half. Each mile felt great and it was one of those few runs where you realize you’re farther than you thought. I was running miles at times I never thought I would be capable of doing, which is why I decided to do the Kiawah run.

Best New Piece Of Gear?

My Magic Stick! When I placed in the Crowfield 5K, I received a gift card to Fleet Feet. I knew I wanted a magic stick and it hasn’t let me down yet. My calves are always super tight so having this around helps tremendously.


Best Piece Of Running Advice? 

Listen to your body. Is one run going to mess up future runs? If so, then take the day off the chill out. I grew up “pushing through the pain”, now I’m finally starting (just starting) to follow my own advice and pull back when I need to.

Most Inspirational Runner?

Most people have shared some famous runner for this… I’m not.

I am inspired by my running partners. Katie, Jeanette and Amy. Each time we train together they inspire me to train harder. And each time we race together, they inspire me to give it all I have. Katie is always helping me to get my brain out of a race and her own personal times inspire me to continue to work on getting better (this girl is FAST).

These ladies are amazing and without them who knows if I would have had the year of PR’s that I have had.

If You Could Sum Up Your Year In A Couple Of Words… 

Acknowledging that I am a runner.


Now it’s your turn…

Answer one of the questions below! 

If you don’t run, that’s okay… fill it in with what you do!

Whip Six Feed

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