21 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Mile High Partner Boot Camp Workout

By admin

I have a fun workout for you today. Something quite different but crazy fun and challenging (in a good way).

Yesterday I mentioned that I led the boot camp sponsored by Gnarly for Blend. It was a hit and I thought many of you who workout with a friend or if you lead a boot camp yourself might be interested?

In fact, though I was jealous I wasn’t able to participate (because I was training), I did do the workout with Ashton before I left to “test the waters” and I’m glad I did!

You won’t need a single piece of equipment. But you do need a large space for running, or a treadmill.

Ideally, you want around 50 yards, but if that’s not an option then run on the treadmill for 90 seconds instead (when it says to run).

The Mile High Partner Boot Camp

Why the Mile High Workout?

Because Boulder is at an elevation of 5,430 feet making it over mile above sea level. And yes, several of the ladies could tell! Elevation is tough on the body, and moves that shouldn’t be a struggle suddenly has the heart pounding as if you were sprinting.

It only made the completion of this workout even more sweet.

Here’s how this will work…

One person will do Exercise A while the other does Exercise B. It’s the A that decides how long the B will go for. Then you’ll switch. Once both people have completed Exercise A, that’s 1 round.

You’ll complete as many rounds as stated before moving to the next “bump n go” pair.

Make sense?

Sweet. Let’s do this!

The Mile High Partner Workout

Here’s A Quick Tip:

This is important if you’re a trainer and planning on doing this for a group…

Instead of all groups completing “x” amount of rounds… the first group that hits the number allows the other groups to stop and move on. This helps keep everyone on track and together. Plus it’s fun, the faster your group is the faster you’re done and the more the other groups love you. It worked out really well even with 75+ people.

Keep It Simple

I used to be one of those people that wanted to wow clients with new and interesting moves. Not any more. I’ve learned that all we really need are the basics. The basics are easy to remember, easy to be performed at full intensity (because you’re not wondering if you’re doing it right) and they give results.

I’m not saying that I don’t use crazy variations of squats, push-ups, lunges, etc… but the days of “what the heck did she do” moves are behind me. As seen in this workout.

Keep it simple to keep it intense. <— Trainer tip for the trainers.

The Moves


Plank Jacks

Lunge Walks


Squat Jumps

Traveling Burpees

Shoulder Taps

Lemon Squeezes

Like the workout?

Make sure to share it using the buttons to the side (if on a computer) or down below if using a smart phone!

When is the last time you worked out with a friend/partner/spouse?

Yesterday for me!

Whip Six Feed

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