13 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Most Gorgeous Road Trip To Date

By admin

Happy Sunday!

I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Ours has been excellent, partly because some crazy warm weather has rolled in to Charleston. If you have never been to Charleston, we are known for our unpredictable winters.

We can have highs in the 40s one day (this is really cold to me), and the next day be up in the 70s. Yesterday,  we were blessed with temperatures near 80 degrees! I told you… crazy!

I was super pumped  because it meant that I could do my final long run outside. The Charleston Half Marathon is now less than a week away and I wanted to get a great road run in before. I was thankful that I had absolutely no reason to turn to the treadmill.

Of course, I am freaked out that this warm weekend means we will have unusually cold weather next weekend… but let’s take it one run at a time.

The Most Gorgeous Road Run: Appreciation

I laced up my shoes and hit the roads just as the sun was coming up. The fog was crazy dense at first… this picture doesn’t do it justice.

charleston battery fog

The water was so flat that combined with the fog, made it really eery. I could hear boats out on the water but I couldn’t see them. It kind of made the first few miles quite suspenseful! Normally the first mile is the hardest as I try to get my stride, breathing and heart rate just right… not today. With the ambiance I was able to just fall right into place and take in the morning views (or lack there of).

charleston harbor flat water

As the fog lifted, the run got even prettier.

I have to say this was perhaps my most gorgeous run to date. I was in awe the entire time and thankful to be surrounded by such beauty! I know that a lot of my blogger friends are giving words to describe their year or their goals… my word of the day: Appreciation.

I am so appreciative of what I am surrounded by. I try not to take it for granted! As I was running in 60-degrees, my friend in Iowa said it was 5-degrees her house. Again… appreciation! :)

Check out this sunrise! There were quite a few photographers on the running path waiting for the perfect time to grab a shot. I would love to see what they captured! But for now, my iPhone will have to do:

charleston sunrise

I was so inspired with how I felt, that I decided to tackle the bridge. I hate running the bridge… it’s windy and hard. The incline is no joke, but I decided that the view at the top would be worth it! And that I knew the challenge would be good for my legs and for the upcoming trail run.

bridge charleston

I wasn’t disappointed.


At one time I wanted to stop because my legs were tired from the devilish incline,  but then I ran past a man who had to be at least 70 years old. I wish I had stopped to thank him. If he could be up there running, I could too.

By the end of the run I covered a little over 10 miles with an average of a 9.03 mile. I was dripping with sweat but had a smile on my face from ear to ear.

charleston running

Simply Awesome.

Then I got home and practically passed out. We spent the rest of the day visiting my family and then watching far too many episodes of American Horror Story. We are almost finished with season 1, but it’s getting a little “blah” to me. Anyone else like it?

-What did you do this weekend?

We are finishing the weekend off by heading back downtown to do some work. Which may or may not include filming a great workout for tomorrow’s show… so make sure to check back tomorrow morning! Thanks for stopping by, have a greta Sunday.

The post The Most Gorgeous Road Trip To Date appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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