18 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Most Important Step To Tone & Tighten Your Body

By admin

“I want to tone up!”

“I want to get rid of this flab that shakes when I move my arms!”

“I want a tighter butt!”

“I want to tone my body and get a flatter stomach!”

“I want, I want, I want!”

These are just a few comments I hear on a daily basis (okay maybe not the last one).

And a few of them I’ve caught myself saying as I am always wanting to look better, feel better and be better.

But wanting something and getting something are two different things. Agreed?

If you wish to tone up more, the very first thing you have to do is this:

Change the way you are thinking.

Stay with me…

The Dirty Side Of Wanting


I want to be able to eat anything and everything without consequence. I want to win the lottery. I want to wake up, look out my window and see amazing Colorado mountains in the distance. I want to be able to work as little as possible but still make lots of money.

Wanting, when it comes down to it, means nothing.

We all want lots of things, but does that translate into action?

No, our brain is trained to know that wanting is a superficial desire. Not one that pushes us to forward to take action.

I’ve said it before with other motivational posts, our brain is trained to do what we tell it.

Like the great Henry Ford once said:

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, your right!”

And the same goes for wanting. Wanting isn’t enough. You have to will your brain, which in returns wills the rest of your body to actually accomplish what you WILL DO.


Here’s what I mean. If you talk to yourself in the present tense (and write) about what you plan on having, you’re much, much more likely to accomplish that goal.

Your brain takes that as something that is true. And then moves forward in making it real.

It’s Like Teaching A Dog To Sit


From now on, if toning up is your goal then here’s how you will think of it:

“I am toning my body. My butt is firm and my arms wave proudly!”

Wait, there is a catch. This has to be repeated over and over again. Much like you have to repeat the comment “Sit!” to a puppy while pushing it’s bottom to the ground to connect the two.

You have to work to teach your brain this new way of thinking and action.

  • Change the password on your computer to reflect your “will goal” that way, you can’t help but to repeat it over and over again. Plus, talk about an unbreakable password!
  • Each time you workout or go to eat, repeat you goal at least 5 times. That way you’ll find your workouts more focused and goal oriented and your food choices will likely be much better to help your tone up journey.
  • Write it down and stick your goal several places where you’ll see it throughout the day: the desk, fridge, bathroom mirror, the more you see it the more you’re brain will accept the challenge.
  • And finally, believe in yourself. If you want to be more toned then make it happen.

I know what you are thinking, this is it? All it takes is changing how I talk to myself?


Well, yea. This is what I call a keystone habit.

Convince yourself that this is an achievable goal and all the action goals (like working out with strength focused workouts, eating cleaner, and sleeping 8 hours) will be much more likely to happen.

Remember… change doesn’t just happen. You have to make it happen. And if you want to see results in the mirror, then do something about it.

The Actions To Get Toned


Once you have the mindset ready, action will happen! And of course this takes change too.

Relying on the same style of workout you’ve been doing for the past 3 months is not going to cut it. What’s the saying, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results?

Well, if you’re not seeing results now then you’re not going to in a month. The good thing is that your mind will realize this and encourage you to try something different. New exercises, heavier weights, kettlebells, a boot camp. The possibilities are endless!

But promise me this, if toning is your goal, you will turn to strength training?

Of course cardio is going to help overall fitness, but strength training is where it’s at if you want to see results in the mirror.

And then there is the same thing with food… it’s time to tighten up a bit and aim for a cleaner pallet. Be honest with yourself and use your new found motivation and goal clarity to stick to a low-sugar, high nutrient rich diet. Yes?


The 2nd Most Important Step?

Yes, there is another step: letting go of stress! But that’s a post for another day. And trust me, do I have a few tips and tricks to keep us from obsessing about results and sabotaging ourselves.

Expect that next Wednesday!

Paleo Update

I thought this would be the perfect post to update you on my paleo challenge. Things are still going great. I did drink champagne this weekend but I had told Ashton before we committed that I would be cheating on the drinking part for Valentine’s Day.

No sweets, grains and legumes is going perfectly and I really can’t complain! I feel energized still, workouts are going great, and I am starting to notice a few results in the mirror. I can definitely tell I am less bloated which is a big plus!

We are now officially half way through but I am definitely going to aim to keep my sugar and grain in take down when this is all said and done.

What are you doing?

Whip Six Feed

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