18 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Naked Truth: What It Feels Like To Be Called “Real” All The Time

By admin

Hey y’all!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend, I know I sure did! I’ll share a recap of Blend later this week, it definitely deserves one!

Did you happen to see this picture I posted yesterday on Instagram from Boulder?

colorado sunrise

Amazing. Truly a beautiful place.

As for today…

I’m opening up and letting you all into my head. Sometimes I wonder if I open up too much here, but then I realize this is my blog, my diary. And perhaps, just perhaps… you can find a way to relate to the craziness that is me.

Which actually brings me to the topic I want to discuss:

I’m “Real”


I can’t count how many times clients and readers have told me, “I like you because you’re a real woman.” Even if were allowed to use my toes to count.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it. I never want to come off as fake or intimidating. I love that people, many of you, feel that you can relate and can feel my honesty in my posts.

I’m not trying to be some super woman, I’m not trying to look like a fitness model, and I am definitely not trying to be someone I’m not (well, except for the whole Taylor Vs Kindal thing).

If anything I think “Taylor” allows me to be even more open and honest, I almost get to hide behind her.

Does that make sense?

It’s funny but over the years Dan has given Kindal and Taylor different personality traits. Apparently “Taylor” is more bold and as Dan says, more of a badass. “Kindal” is a bit more reserved, a bit more of an introvert and cares more what others think (or don’t think).

Trust me, all of this has a point to.

So going back to be being a “real woman”…

The Mental Pitfalls Of Being Called “Real”

No matter how confident we are, we’re not confident enough. Can I get an Amen?

When one of my clients tells me they love me for my “realness in the way my body looks” my first thought is…

“Am I fit and toned enough? Is my body representative of a personal trainer?”

It’s meant as a compliment, yet of course, like a woman, my head goes to self doubt.

If I’m “real looking” then am I able to motivate others? Or perhaps being real yet being able to demonstrate my strength, speed, and fitness abilities while in a good but imperfect body is the motivation that they are looking for.


Then there’s the image I want to present… like the actually image of my body.

For months Dan has been encouraging me to show more of my body off in pictures. Not because I have a 6-pack but because like many of you have said, my body is real.

Yes, it’s tight and toned…

…yet give me a pair of low rise capris and you’ll see love-handles. Put me in booty shorts and you’ll see some cellulite and stretch marks (I’ve had them since I was 15). Take off my shirt and you’ll see an almost flat stomach, but not flat.

And while I am comfortable with my body, I’m not comfortable showing these flaws just for the hell of it.

Sometimes being “real” sucks.

Sometimes I wish I did have the 6-pack abs, the perfect ass and legs for days that are dimple free.

But I don’t. In fact, I told Dan I would take more pictures of just in a sports bra when I toned up a little more (my training lately has really helped my body).

His response? That’s stupid… be you, be real.

You And I Are The Same

I represent every woman that works hard and eats healthy to have a good body without depriving herself of enjoying life and a glass (or two) of champagne!


I represent the 95% (plus) of women that no matter how hard they work they will always have cellulite.

Could I get this “perfect” body?

Probably, but life would suck. I like eating chocolate, I love drinking champagne and I really enjoy a good burger.

In fact, I’m typing this posts on the plane to Boulder with one hand typing and the other munching on “Dark Chocolate Medley Trail Mix”.

I know this post might be a bit all over the place, but these are the thoughts flying around my head. By getting them out it’s helped me to realize…

Real I’ll Be


I don’t want to be anything other than real.

I love that women can talk to me about their personal struggles with nutrition because they know that I do have/had the same issues.

For example, I was just talking with an awesome lady the other night over the topic of “well, I’m going to eat it anyways, I might as well eat the entire bag now and get it over with” when it comes to junk in the house.

I still find myself thinking this which is why I don’t keep junk in the house where I’ll be tempted.

Then there was the client that tossed food in her trashcan so she wouldn’t eat it yet found herself grabbing it off the top just 5 minutes later. Yup, been there, done that. #NotAshamed.

If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know that I’ve had a problem with exercise addiction, its something I continue to battle with. It’s real, I’m honest and open. My grandmother was an alcoholic, once she quit her addiction changed to her nutrition and fitness. My mom has told me that she thinks that I inherited my grandmother’s addictive personality.

Lucky for me it’s not drugs or alcohol (though by realizing I have an addictive personality, I have always made sure to keep my alcohol intake to a minimum.)

So I am real. And you know what?

Being real with you, my clients and myself is the best job ever. That’s what I do for a living… I share my realness.


What Should I Do?

Before I log off and get back to my flight (and trail mix), I have to ask a question…

Do you have any opinions on pictures? Do pictures of women in sports bras motivate or deflate?

I want to know… and I am sure Dan is curious to hear your response too!

To show a stomach or not?

Whip Six Feed

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