17 July 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Rock Hard Butt Workout

By admin

Congratulations, you’ve made it to Friday. Any fun plans?

I’m excited for a weekend at home to clean, organize and catch up on life. Which means lots of work too, good thing I love what I do!

I also have a few workouts lined up! After taking a few days off post Spartan race, I’m ready to work hard for the Table Rock 15K.

Dan and I tried to workout on Monday, but both of us agreed about 5 minutes into our workout that we weren’t recovered enough.


We basically walked around the gym, did a few deadlifts and a few pullups to make it look like we were working out, while we waited for his mom to finish her workout.

Then Tuesday was filled with travel and fatigue. I listened to my body and took an extra rest day.

But then something wonderful happened on Wednesday…

I woke up excited to move. I craved a workout all day long until Ashton made it to the gym (we agreed to workout together).

And that’s where this workout comes into play.

I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to improve my hill training, and with the race just weeks away, I don’t have a whole lotta time to waste. I plan on doing workouts similar to this one 2-3 times each week until race day.

It was tough and we were sweaty messes by the end. I wanted to use the “I want to scale back because I just ran a race” excuse several times, but let’s face it:

You don’t get better from quitting.

You get better from pushing through the challenges.

So we did. And it hurt… in a good way. I will admit, having Ashton beside me helped tremendously. I probably would have used less weight had she not been there.

Because I love to give good challenge… I am challenging you to complete it this weekend!

Do the workout, and post a picture up on Instagram (just make sure to tag me). Let’s all be virtual workout partners, what do you say?

The Rock Hard Butt Workout

While it’s definitely a total body burner, there is more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings since those are the zones I need to focus on the most.

butt workout

So you’ll start with a half mile run (set the treadmill to 6.5% incline), and then complete the circuit.

The circuit starts out with higher reps, which means you’ll start with a lighter weight. As the reps come down, your goal should be to increase the weight.

The final 6 reps, should be HEAVY for you. ← But a weight where you can keep your form perfecto. Deal?

Okay, quick overview of the moves…

The Rock Hard Butt Moves

Treadmill Incline


Barbell Cleans


Kettlebell Squats

uneven kettlebell squats

Kettlebell Presses (Per Side)

kettlebell press

Heavy Swings



Before I sign off for the day, I would love to get any questions you have!

Each month, I would really like to do a Q&A post answering your most pressing questions. They could be anything… fitness, nutrition, personal, etc.

Feel free to ask below or email me at TaylorRyan0406@gmail.com

Okay… I think that’s it for this gorgeous Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

Ask me anything!
What is one thing you’re looking forward to this weekend?

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