08 January 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Royal Flush Kettlebell Workout

By admin

Well hello there!

How is your Thursday shaping up or starting off?

We kicked ours off with winter. Yes, winter has made it’s way for the day to the south. I say for the day because the south is crazy. The high is 36 today, but back up to 50 tomorrow.


Southern weather is just like us… just a wee bit off. That’s what makes us “special”.

Anyways, I need something to keep me warm and this is the workout I’m going to do for that to happen. I did it a few weeks ago and loved it. The time flies!

Plus, over the past week I’ve been asking you guys (here, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) what you wanted to see more of. Your response?

More kettlebell workouts. 

Well okay then.

And to follow it up, reader Chelsea asked if I had ever done a kettlebell card workout. Since I had this one in my workout log I decided it was the perfect workout to share this week.

The Kettlebell Royal Flush

Kettlebell Card Workout

Click the workout to enlarge

Let’s quickly cover these moves.

If a few of the moves look a bit intimidating, feel free to modify. Heck you can even turn this into a completely body weight workout if you want.

Kettlebell Lunge Press

Kettlebell Single Handed Swing

Kettlebell V Press

Kettlebell Cleans

Kettlebell Upright Row

Kettlebell Prisoner Squat

The most important thing, aside from safe and proper form, is to have fun! Blast your favorite music and get in the zone. You’ll kick ass even more.

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If you like this workout, please share it using those little buttons right on the bottom and side (depending on what you’re reading this on). I would really appreciate it!

Have a great day!

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