01 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Runner’s High That Never Was & Shenanigans

By admin

Happy Saturday! It’s finally a gorgeous day here in Charleston, it seems like the rain from the hurricane has passed us by and the sunshine is coming down strong!

Whatcha got on the agenda for the day?

For this family, it’s an afternoon of Clemson fun! It’s the first game of the year and we’ll be “tailgating” with friends.

I am aware, this is an old picture, but it’s a great one! {Source}

I say “tailgating” because there is no truck bed or tailgate in site, we’ll be at their house cooking out and watching the game on their big screen. But there will be outside games and tailgate foods! That’s the way we roll!

I also have a few recipes that I am planning on putting together to take over, of course I will be sharing them (if they come out).

So something tragic happened this morning.

  • I failed at hitting my goal.
  • I had to accept failure.
  • I got pissed off for trying to accept it.

On my agenda, I had it planned out that I was going to tackle 13 miles!

Here’s my how to guide for running: I told Dan yesterday about the distance plan (remember accountability), I drank my coconut water yesterday, ate a few more calories than normal throughout the day, woke up had my normal breakfast, and hit the roads.

But the second my feet started moving on the pavement I knew it was going to be an off day. The first 1-2 miles I suffered stomach pains and gurgles, luckily that subsided but I still felt weak, tired and off.

Breathing wise I felt great, but my legs definitely gave out first.

Normally, around mile 5-7, I get what I can only describe as a runner’s high… it’s like a second wind and from there I am great to finish up.

No such luck today, that high never came and I was left to try to push myself to the end, along with the help of a podcast or two.

I made it to 11 miles, and stopped.

Yup, I gave up, called it a day, grabbed a sweat towel to wipe off the drips coming off my face, and got in my car.


During the run, I told myself that 11 miles was good enough, that I couldn’t push any harder. That it was only 2 miles short of the goal and that perhaps I wasn’t recovered enough from this week’s workouts.


It wasn’t until now that I am really bummed. I felt like even if I had to walk those 2 miles, it was just 2 miles! I should have sucked it up. After all I was injured or achy, just tired.

Well, too late now, but at least this has given me the internal strength to not do it again. Next time if I get SOOO close to my goal, you better believe I will hit it!

  • Are you hard on yourself? Or am I just too hard on myself? 
  • When is the last time you felt awesome for accomplishing something new?

Getting A Pick Me Up

At least I had the farmer’s market to relax me! I picked up some amazing new finds!

  • Pumpkin leaves (apparently a great sub for kale)
  • Purslane (the rain and flooding killed the arugala this week and my favorite produce farmer told me this was a great substitute)
  • Spicy mustard micro greens. Sure sure about these but I am excited to give them a go!

Of course I got our normal stuff too but that’s just the run of the mill: brussel sprouts, okra, squash, and peaches.

After the produce shopping was done, I took a stroll to the Juice Joint tent to grab a fresh juice (they juice it right there for you). I got the Spring Chicken, it was delicious and the perfect post run vitamin drink to sip on.

I spend about 10 minutes just sitting in the grass, people watching and dog watching before picking up my goodies and heading home. Now it’s time to test some of these out for lunch! I’ll keep you posted.

Okay, off to rest for a bit before cooking and tailgating!

Have a wonderful Saturday, I’ll see you back here tomorrow… with a killer recipe!


  • What college football team do you support? 
  • Favorite local produce? 

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