24 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Scoop On FitBloggin’ (Was it Worth 1,205 Miles On My Car?)

By admin

Good early afternoon!

I hope you had a great weekend, mine was go-go-go the whole time. In fact, I went to bed at 9:30 last night without any remorse.

You probably already know, but if you’re new to LR, on Thursday morning I drove up to Baltimore for the FitBloggin Conference. It’s a conference for… wait for it: Fitness bloggers.

The conference was held at The Hyatt, and was GORGEOUS. Check out these views from my room:

This was my first conference and I was a bit nervous, since I didn’t know anyone.  This turned out to be silly because everyone was so nice and inviting.

I instantly found Alicia (Poise In Parma), who I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing earlier this month and I was immediately relaxed seeing a familiar face. Even though we had not met in person, it felt like we had known each other for years!

So much happened this weekend, that this post is going to be really photo heavy! I thought about dividing it up, but I don’t want you to get tired of my FitBloggin talk, especially if you’re not a blogger.

So if you have questions, just post them below and I will be thrilled to answer them!

FitBloggin ’12

The mornings started with breakfast, there weren’t many vegan options so I had to stick to oatmeal and fruit. Not that that’s ever a bad combination in my eyes!

I am aware the oatmeal looks not so appetizing, but it was! Topped with syrup, figs and granola… Yum!

Then we did some awesome workouts… running, crossfit and even Zumba may have been involved. If you missed the recaps of them, check it out: Doing The Workout I Swore I Would Never Do.

But I forgot to show pictures of the city from during my run. Baltimore’s central harbor was too pretty to not share. We started before sunrise, and ran as the sun came up. Is that not the largest Barnes and Noble ever?

After the crossfit workout, Alicia, Ericka and I were asked to do an interview for Natural Maple Syrup… fine with me since I am a huge supporter of syrup for fuel and energy! So much fun.

Talking about maple syrup makes us happy! Can’t wait to see how the video turns out.

Of course lunch was thrown in there too. Salads, salads and more salads. Not that I am complaining, I could eat a salad every day!

It wasn’t just about food and workouts… we were there with a mission… a mission to learn to be better bloggers!

Attending Blogger University

Then the rest of the conference was filled with awesome sessions.

Just a few things that really stuck:

  • How to go from blogging to writing for magazines and other publications: sending proposals to editors, what to do, what not to do, etc.
  • How to put together a book proposal (cook book perhaps?): I learned that this is so important and requires almost as much work as actually writing a book. I am thinking that if the day comes where I want to do this, I might try self publishing first.
  • How to make money through blogging: yup some people are full time bloggers. Now I just need to study up on my sales ability! Good thing I’m married to a guy who did sales for years, hopefully he can help me learn to pitch ideas and business plans.
  • How to improve my Youtube videos. This session was HUGE and extemely helpful for me. Sarah from SarahFit.com led the session and really gave some good ideas and tips to help grow my channel and the quality of my videos.

Sarah blogs at SarahFit.com and her Youtube channel: Sarah’s Fab Channel

The sessions were awesome, and I came home with so much great wealth of information that I can’t wait to start implementing!

Making Friends

When we weren’t in classes, all of us bloggers were getting to know one another. This was the best part of all, we were all open to meeting each other and making new friends. No one shyed away or acted as if they didn’t want to be around one another.

My awesome roomies: Alyssa and Amanda

Both of these girls were so much fun, and both being from PA, it might not be out of the question to have a reunion since it’s where my in-laws live! Go EAGLES!

When wine is involved, how can we not open up and become instant besties?

Me and Sarah:

That’s what happens to bangs when you get caught in a windy rain storm… boo.

Other notable bloggers I immediately “clicked” with (aka, check them out :) :

These ladies rocked! Thank you girls for hanging out.

I made so many great friends, now we’re all trying to decide how to bring everyone to Charleston for a reunion!

All together I drove 1205 miles, which was 17 hours, 45 minutes.

Was it worth it? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!

The friends I made, the things I learned and the overall experience was unbelievable!

Not to mention the swag rocked :) This isn’t all of it, but just a few of my favs!

Reebok hooked us up! I even got to design my own pair, which will be arriving in 3-5 weeks. The top is so comfortable, in fact I have it on right now. I have tended to shy away from the brand leaning more to UnderArmour, but I was really surprised and happy with the quality of their products. I’ll let you know how the shoes work out.

If I eat one more PopChip, I might become one. They are tasty, vegan, all-natural and each bag only has 100 calories! Freaking amazing. But again, I need a break, because damn, they were everywhere and my go to snack.

The Beef people where there too, I got a kick out of finding this in my goodie-bag. How funny would that be on my car?

  • Do you like going to conferences? 
  • What’s the longest road trip you’ve ever done by yourself?

Whip Six Feed

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