02 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Shocking Truth About Domestic Violence

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The World Health Organization just released shocking data from the first comprehensive study of its kind. According to the report, physical or sexual violence affects 35 percent of all women globally. And here’s the worst part: The most common type of abuse is intimate partner violence, with 30 percent of women experiencing physical or sexual abuse at the hands of their own partner.

In an unfortunate reminder that this can happen to anyone, photos released last month show Nigella Lawson, British celebrity chef and author of How to Be a Domestic Goddess, appearing to be choked by her husband, Charles Saatchi, as they sit outside a restaurant. Saatchi was given a caution for assault and later told the London Evening Standard Newspaper that it was a “playful tiff” and that the photos made it seem more dramatic than it was. Though Lawson didn’t press charges, she appeared to be moving out of their home in London last week, reports the New York Daily News.

According to the WHO report, domestic abuse has a huge impact on women’s overall health. The data show that women who experience partner violence are more than twice as likely to experience depression and alcohol abuse. They are also one and a half times more likely to get a sexually transmitted infection and are twice as likely to have an abortion. And since many women seeking treatment for abuse-related injuries don’t identify them as such, this report recommends new clinical and policy guidelines aimed at helping medical professionals to spot injuries that are a result of domestic violence. “The health sector is potentially a very early identification point,” says study researcher Karen Devries, PhD, lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (which released the report along with the WHO). “If healthcare providers have the proper training and support, they should be able to identify some of the underlying causes of the cases they’re seeing.”

If you think you might be in danger, remember these expert tips:

Talk to an advocate
Even if you’re not sure whether you’re in danger, you can reach out to The National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-SAFE, 1-800-799-7233) to talk through your situation. The service ensures access to a confidential phone call with an advocate who will help you consider your options and talk about the resources available to promote your safety, says Nancy Glass, PhD, associate director for the Center for Global Health at Johns Hopkins. “One thing that makes women hesitant is that they think their only option is a shelter,” says Glass. “By talking with a domestic violence advocate, they can look at all the resources available in their community.”

Find someone you can trust
Whether it’s a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor, it’s crucial to have someone you can turn to in case of an emergency. It’s even better if you have someone you can confide in who doesn’t know your partner personally (or at the very least, someone whose address your partner is unaware of), says Glass. The key is that your partner shouldn’t be able to find you if you need to stay with the person, says Glass.

Document any injuries
If you have any injuries—physical, mental, or emotional—don’t hesitate to seek medical attention. “Unfortunately, many of our healthcare systems don’t make it clear to women that they can speak out and say that they’re in danger,” says Glass. “What [you] say in that room is going to be confidential, and the providers are going to document it.” Glass suggests asking a doctor or nurse to take pictures of any physical injuries and to take a written statement of who attacked you. “That’s going to help [you] in the future if [you do] go to court or need a restraining order—that it’s documented that [you] did seek care for the injuries,” says Glass.

Trust your instincts
Devries explained that many of the studies on domestic violence ask about specific acts (like slapping, kicking, hitting, etc.) rather than just asking about abuse in general. Why? Abuse can take on many forms, and experts say it can be hard for many victims to realize or accept that they are suffering from physical or sexual violence—especially if it’s at the hands of their partner. But experts agree that your instincts shouldn’t be ignored. “Resources are available and they help a lot, but I think women need to trust themselves when they feel like they’re in danger—that they’re not crazy,” says Glass.

photo: Top Photo Group/Thinkstock

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