01 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Sparkler Workout: 1st Time Ever Seen ’4th Of July Burpee’ Included

By admin


Is it really July? It seems as if just yesterday we were watching fireworks for New Years and now here we are, over half of the year behind us.

I love July, well aside from the thunderstorms and crazy southern humidity.

Our calendar always fills up fast, and this July is no different (more on that later). Instead let’s just focus on the week ahead of us:

The 4th of July week! 

A day filled with burgers, brownies and booze for so many proud Americans.

I can’t say that ours is any different, we’ll likely be with family around the pool, relaxing and enjoying an iced cold beer.

Because of that, I am dead set on waking up to get a fast, but intense workout in.

We have already decided to beat the beach crowds and hit the sand at around 8:00am to do this workout.

And I suggest the same for you.

You’ll feel great knowing that you had a killer workout before the grill gets turned on or the first beer gets popped open.

The Sparkler Workout

Make sure to watch all the way through because I am introducing a NEW, first time ever seen on LR burpee… You know how much I love burpees!

All of the moves are body weight. So if you’re on vacation or just don’t have time to get to the gym there really isn’t an excuse. If you only have 20 minutes before the chaos of the day begins, then set a timer for 20 minutes and see how far you can get.

But if you have the time, see how long it takes to complete the entire thing, from start to finish. And you don’t have to wait until Thursday to try this out, I know so many of you are on vacation already and are looking for a workout!

sparkler workout

Love to hear your thoughts…

Do you workout on holidays or take them as a free day? 

For beer drinkers:

On a completely different note… I recently heard of a new beer called “Sweet Baby Jesus”, it’s a dessert beer that is suppose to taste like peanut butter cups. Sounds gross but good at the same time and I am on the hunt for it. My curiosity has the best of me. Have you seen it around yet?

Whip Six Feed

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