28 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Total Body Pumpkin Workout

By admin

Can you believe October is almost over? More importantly, can you believe it’s Halloween this week!?

I love Halloween, it just doesn’t love me. For the past 6-years that I’ve lived in our condo, I’ve put out a pumpkin, bought candy and yet…

I’ve never had a trick-or-treater. Not one.

But like all 7 years before, I’ll do the same this year and hope that kids realize that hitting up the condos in our neighborhood is the smart thing to do. Less work for more candy! Hello!

I don’t buy candy until the day of because I have limited self control. I don’t want to find myself sitting on the couch with chocolate wrappers around me while I sit feeling sorry for myself for the lack of cute costumed kids. That’s the first thing that helps out… then once the night is over and I’m left with my bowl of candy, I bag it up and give it to the single guy next door.

Can’t eat what’s not here!

One thing is for sure though… this week will have a few more candy indulgences than most and we have to make sure to keep those calories burned off, right?

So to help out, I’m sharing this workout. Do it, and feel a bit less guilty for eating another Fun Size Snicker’s Bar. I’m a sucker for Sugar Babies.

Who says pumpkins are for carving?

The Pumpkin Workout

Here’s the workout, right below you can watch the video to see how to properly do each move.


And if you don’t have a pumpkin sitting around? No worries, grab a dumbbell, kettlebell or medicine ball. All 3 would work just fine.

Check out the video so you can get comfortable with each of the exercises. And don’t be afraid to modify any of them if needed. Make the workout work for you! I was one big sweaty mess at the end.


While these are the exercises of this week’s workout at Fit Womens Weekly, it’s not the actual workout. If you’re looking for a little longer and more intense workout, make sure to check it out!

The Week Of Halloween

The week of Halloween, Dan and I have made it a tradition to try and watch as many scary movies as possible. Last night we started Scream (a classic of course) and finish it off tonight. Aside from that, our pumpkin is sitting, waiting patiently to be carved and my boot campers will likely expect a ghoulish workout each visit!

–> What about you, do you have Halloween traditions?

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