04 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Ultimate Nut Butter Guide: How To Make Your Own Cashew Almond Cookie Butter

By admin

For some reason I keep thinking that it’s later than it actually is. I guess that happens when you wake up at 4:45 to get a run in.

I won’t lie, there was no stage of my run this morning where I was “feeling it”. I knew I was low on sleep, my upper body awoke really sore from my workout yesterday and I just couldn’t get there mentally.

The only thing that really kept me going were these scenes.

First thing in the morning, around mile 1.5… the storm clouds moving off the coast and the morning haze still on the water. 

I love Charleston. It’s an amazing city and it’s beauty never grows old! I’ve been here my entire live and still stare out in awe. Between these views and picking out my dream home, the miles slowly crept by.

The best location for a water fountain. I was close to the end, but I couldn’t neglect this! 

I ended up getting 8 done. A feat considering I got 5 hours of sleep (if that) last night and with my soreness. You better believe that after we got home from the farmer’s market this chick climbed back in bed for an hour.

8 mile run

Oh a nap has never felt so good!

There may have been the slightest bit of not wanting to get back out of bed, but then I remembered I had an amazing recipe to share with you:

almond cashew butter

Cashew Almond Cookie Butter

For years I have wanted to make my own nut butters. And for years I have been to scared to follow through. Now, I have tried a handful of times but each time I ended up with dry sandy nut paste.

I always gave up when my food processor started to get to hot, that freaks me out. I just assumed my KitchenAid processor wasn’t cutting it, or maybe I needed a smaller one?

Last week I was reading through my favorite blogs (like I do every day) and came across a nut butter recipe at Oh She Glows. Right there on the screen Angela said to keep going even when the processor gets hot, it’s needed to bring out the natural oils of the nuts.

I immediately decided to give it a go and I am so glad I did!

almond cashew butter homemade

Let’s face it, good nut butter is EXPENSIVE! And this cost me less than $ 4. She aims, she shoot, she scores!

Personally I have always had a love for cashew butter, my dad used to make it for me when I was a kid and it has been on my mind for ages.  But cashews can get expensive so I decided to try a blend: Cashew and Almonds?

I picked up a back of each at Trader Joes.

I also wanted to give it a bit of a flair, after all, who wants just plain nutty butters? Flavor it up baby! Don’t be shy.  The sweetness from the coconut oil and vanilla makes this to be more like a dessert butter, perfect for sandwiches, wraps, on cakes, etc. Be creative… I think some cinnamon would have been great too.

So that’s what I did and holy macaroni, it came out amazing!


  • 1 1/2 cup raw, unsalted cashews
  • 1 1/2 cup raw, unsalted almonds (I used sliced almonds, not whole)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp coconut oil


Start with just the nuts, blend until paste like (~3 minutes), you will have to scrape the sides from time to time. Add in the oil and vanilla and continue to blend until desired consistency.

This was part of lunch! 1/2 whole wheat wrap, butter, slices of banana and cherries. Oh yea! 

Stages of butter formation:

I wish someone had walked me through the stages of what I would expect to see as I blended up the nuts. So that’s what I am going to do. That way there is no confusion and no need to give up half way through because you think your processor isn’t good enough. Sorry KitchenAid for doubting you. 

  1. Full nuts (of course)
  2. Powdered nuts (~30 seconds)
  3. Paste like (~2-3 minutes)
  4. Thick “dough like” this is the only way I can think to explain it. Literally everything came together to form a dough ball. Don’t stop here (~3-5 minutes)
  5. Thick creamy. Technically you could stop here, it would be thick and paste like but doable. Dan suggested I go a bit more. (~5-6 minutes)
  6. Creamy and amazing. Bingo… it’s easy to spread, spoon and tastes amazing!  (~6-7 minutes)

Like granola, I am thinking of making homemade nut butter each week. I am always a girl to look for a deal and at around $ 3.50 for this, it’s a winning decision!

Give it a go, and remember you can use any type of nut you want! Next time I might even try macadamia nuts and some coconut flakes? Just a thought. You know me and my love for coconut.

Now it’s time to run some errands, plan some workouts and end the day with a glass of wine! Hope you have a great Saturday, love to hear your plans!

  • Have you ever made nut butter before? 
  • What’s your favorite store bought brand? 

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