07 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Uprising 10 Minute Workout Challenge

By admin

Currently, Dan and I are on a 10 minute workout kick. We love piecing together 2-3 different 10 minute challenges to create our overall workout for the day.

To us it…

–> Mixes things up

–> Makes the workout go by extremely fast

–> Pushes us harder.

Knowing that the workout will be done in just 10 minutes gives me the fuel to really go all out. 6-pack abs here I come!

Ready for the challenge? 

The Uprising

  • Grab a timer and set it for 10 minutes.
  • Do 10 reps of each of the 8 exercises. (Exercise shown below)
  • See how many rounds you can do.


Last last week’s workout, it’s inspired by this week’s Fit Women’s Weekly program. The exercises are the same, but the actual program design is completely different.


So… If you like the moves here but want something a bit longer and completely different than you’ve done before, please check it out.

When we filmed it, Dan told me how creative the workout was, and whenever I get a thumbs up from him, it’s a good sign of a good workout!

Why The Uprising? 

We love filming workouts in historic areas of Charleston. It brings a story to each one and of course makes for some gorgeous back drops.

This particular workout was filmed at an old rice plantation settlement near our condo. It’s rich with history! For those history buffs out there, this was the site of the 1739 Stono Rebellion. The largest slave rebellion in the country.

Pretty cool, right?

Whip Six Feed

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