31 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Them Are Fightin’ Words: A Couple’s Rivalry

By admin

Happy Friday! I Hope you have amazing plans for the long weekend?! We’ve got nothing “special” scheduled except of course for watching Clemson football! Fingers crossed, they start the season off on the right foot.

Aside from that, there will be some exercise and some training… training for both of us! Why Dan you might be wondering?

Well, we are signed up to race in the Marine Corp Mud Run in October (the weekend before my 1/2), and Dan mentioned that he thought he might should train a little for it. He ran a bit about a month ago, but I haven’t seen him hit the streets since.

Well, it just so happens that one of my boot campers works with the Special Olympics and they are holding  a 5K next weekend on the beach here in Charleston.

Side note: If you’re in the Charleston area, check out the SOAR 5K, on Folly. A great cause, and a beach run! 

Because it’s such a great cause, I told her that I was in for the run, I also thought that it would be a great training run for Dan so I went ahead and signed him up too.

Have I ever mentioned that both of us are crazy competitive… with one another? 

For Love And Tennis

Here’s a bit of a background story on us: When we first started dating (I was a young 21 year old and he was a young 23 year old), it was of course all honeymoon and lovey dovey stuff.

Our very 1st picture together… awww so cute on my 21st birthday! 

That is until we decided to go play tennis. 

A side of each of us came out that the other person had not seen. Dan started waming the ball over the net, and because I suck at tennis, I had a hissy fit. My racket may have been thrown a few times out of frustration and poor sportsmanship. And that my friends was our first fight.

10K PR- Forgetting Who The Race Was About

If you recall my goals from when I ran the Cooper River Bridge run back in March, it wasn’t to beat my own personal record, it was to beat Dan’s personal record.

As a matter of fact my exact statement was as:


And yes, I was PO’d when I didn’t make it happen (granted I did strain my knee and could barely walk for weeks after).

5K Fighting Words

This picture cracks me up!

So that’s us, now let’s rewind to just yesterday when Dan looked at me and told me he was going for a run before boot camp so that he could practice. His exact words were…

“I have to go practice so that I kill you in the run. No way I am going to let you beat me.”

Thanks hubs… how sweet and gentleman like of you.

The thing is I have the same idea in my head… I am the one that runs multiple times a week, I am the one that aims for a sub 24 min 5K race and I am the one that SHOULD win!

The fighting words have just began, and I am sure there will be lots of joking around in the coming week.

Still love you Dan, but sorry when I dominate next weekend and you have to face the facts that your little wife beat you! (hehehe)

Competitive Together = Awesomeness

So to say we play fair against each other isn’t a good statement. We are great competing WITH each other, that is on the same team…

Beersbee (Polish Horseshoes),

Tag Football,

And of course beerbong (though this hasn’t taken place in a LOOONNNGG TIME) lol

At least for the mudrun we’re on the same team. Teamwork we’ve got!

  • What are your predictions… will Dan win or will I dominate?
  • Are you and your significant other competitive with each other? 
  • What’s your favorite sport/game? 

Whip Six Feed

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