There Are How Many Calories In That Frozen Yogurt?
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It’s easy to convince yourself that froyo runs are kinda-sorta good for you. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but frozen yogurt is a treat, not a health food—and the new trend in self-serve froyo shops makes it harder than ever not to go overboard on sugar and calories. Think about it: The cups are huge, the machines pump out yogurt way faster than you expect them to, and the nearly endless supply of toppings means you’re probably going to pile on at least half a dozen different ones.
Need some help summoning up the superhuman willpower necessary to keep your next frozen yogurt concoction under control? Take a look at how many calories each scoop of your favorite toppings will set you back:
More From Women’s Health:
Frozen Greek Yogurt Pudding
“Instant” Strawberry Frozen Yogurt
Eat This, Not That: Supermarket Frozen Yogurt