09 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Toddlers Run A Marathon Every Single Day? Lessons From A 2-Year Old

By admin

Happy Sunday! I hope you’ve had a great weekend, we certainly have. Busy, but great. Like I mentioned Friday, I had my niece for the first time overnight and wow, that was a workout!

It’s amazing how much energy 2 year olds have. I thought for sure that I would be able to tire her out, but of course it was the other way around.

Even after a morning trip to the farmer’s market, then to the Charleston’s Children’s Museum, then to the park, and topped off with a visit to see my grandmother (her great grandmama), Lainey was still on the go.

I loved every minute of it, and I hope she enjoyed it too!


It made me think of a study that I had heard a while ago, so when I got home, I turned on my computer and tried to find it.

Here’s what I found: 

“Experts at Growing Up Milk Info found that the average toddler expends the same energy as if an adult did 249 minutes in a boxing ring, ran 30 miles, or cycled 83 miles (at 12-14 mph).” –Source

30 miles? I’m dead after I run 10 miles! And my niece is expending the energy I would need to run a full marathon (plus some)?

It’s crazy, but it also justifies her 12 hours of sleep at night, plus naps.

It makes me wonder…

If I slept 8+ hours every night, how much more could I do in the day? How much more energy would I have? How recovered would I feel after a day of tough, intense exercise?

It’s likely that my body and mind would feel a lot different! So why don’t I? 

Because somewhere over time, we give up the habits that our parents installed in us during those toddler years.


Here are a few habits I observed with Lainey and wish that we all would follow them now.

Lessons A 2-Year Old Can Teach You About Staying Fit & Healthy 

(As spoken by a 2-year old and translated by me)

-My lovie… get your own lovie (blankie), and take a nap. You on’t feel gumpy o tired no more once you ‘ake up. Then I run fast again. 

Translation: Naps don’t equate to being lazy, they are important to help the brain and body reset. Turn off the lights in your office or home, and lay down for just 20 minutes, you won’t be missing out on life or getting behind. You’ll probably get more accomplished because of the refreshed and focused feeling that your siesta provided.

lainey swing

-I do everyfing myself, but sometimes it’s nice to ‘ave Aunt Kiki push me on the swings or elp me.

We don’t like to ask for help, but sometimes help is exactly what we need to learn and grow. Don’t be afraid to lean on those around you for support and motivation. And when you need help, just ask for it.

-Cherrios, squeezes snacks, and sippies always be packed n eaten in de car and stroller! 

Translation: We teach our kids that it’s okay to snack. Yesterday, I had an entire bag just filled with snacks for our adventures.

Yet, as we grow up, snacking is looked down upon because it means extra calories and weight gain? No! Snacking helps to keep the blood sugar regulated, keeps your hunger under control and more importantly, you’re not ravenous when you do get to the dinner table.

And just like parents pack snacks for their kids, pack snacks for yourself! No trips to the machines or a quick stop at some fast food join because you’re hungry. Plan and pack so you have healthy options to choose from.


-Baftime is my favorite time! Splash and make a mess… it’s the last mess I  make before I know mom and dad put my jammies on me for bedtime.

Translation: Do something to unwind before getting into bed at night. Don’t burn the midnight oil on the computer and think that you’ll have the best sleep possible. Give yourself 30 minutes to relax sans tv, computer or smartphone.

Baths are great options as they also prepare your body by changing the temperature and helping you to relax. Reading a book is another great option. Whatever you choose to do is fine, but do something to get your body into the zone for sleep.

We work to install all these great habits for our kids because we know they are growing, yet it’s almost as if once we are grown these habits go out the window. Watching Lainey helped me realize of some things in my own life I need to work on to help return back to where we should be.


I know most of the time, we are working to set an example for the kids in our lives, yet sometimes they are the example we need to learn from.

Do you have kids?
What’s a lesson you learned from them?

Whip Six Feed

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