04 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Calorie Torching Body Weight Workouts Ever Posted On Lifting Revolution

By admin

Happy 4th of July!

As soon as my click “Publish” Dan and I are off to the beach but instead of beach chairs and beer, we’re taking our kettlebells and camcorder. I have some great workouts I can’t wait to film!

And what better place than the beach while the sun is still coming up over the horizon?

I know so many of you are on vacation or getting ready to leave for one soon.

There is always that intention of wanting to fit a workout or two in while you’re gone, right?

It’s easy to say you want to workout, but without an actual workout planned it’s easy to get wrapped up into the relaxation part of the trip and before you know it you’re back home and realizing that you didn’t workout once.

Trust me, I get it. Sometimes vacations don’t need a workout. Sometimes you need to relax and go a week without a structured plan.

However, if you’re like me and love exercising in a new environment, then this post is for you!

These are the best of the best workouts that I’ve designed for Lifting Revolution over the years.

They’re all body weight and are perfect whatever your backdrop is…

This was my personal favorite back drop from our trip to Florida last year:

florida workout

For details on all the workouts, make sure to click the link below the images. Several of them have corresponding video demonstrations.

Top 10 High Calorie Burning Body Weight Workouts Perfect For Vacations

body weight workouts vacation

Sparkler Workout

sparkler workout

I know, I just posted this workout on Monday. But we have done it in several of my boot camps now, and it’s a hit.

Plus being that today is 4th of July, how could I not post it?

Here’s the video of all the exercises, plus, there is a 2nd part of the workout not on the image!

Fun-N-The-Sun Workout

beach body weight workout

From Florida, this workout was tough but so much fun. Wake up before the beach goers, walk down to the soft sand and get this workout done.

There is something amazing about the beach in the morning, the sound of the waves, the birds chirping (not yet in squawking mode), and the early walkers picking up shells, makes the experience worth while.

If you’ve never woken up early to see the beach in it’s prime, you have to do this workout!

The Monkey In The Middle

monkey in the middle

You’re done in less than 15 minutes, but your butt will feel as if it was put through a butt toning marathon.

Perfect for fitting something in fast before starting the adventures of the day.

Oh, and yes, this is a TOTAL body workout, but has an extra emphasis on the tush.

The Lulu Boot Camp Workout

lululemon workout

This was from a boot camp workout I taught at our local LuluLemon and it was awesome!

If you like timed intervals, then this is the workout you’re going to want to pack in your suitcase.

Prepare to have sweat dripping down your face and your entire body shaking (in a good way).

If you ever feel guilty for indulging a bit too much on vaca, then you might want to give this cardio & muscle toner a try.

Beach Ready Abs

beach abs

Another beach workout! It’s summer after all, how can I not hunt down every beach workout I’ve ever done?

This one though is specifically for your abs. So if you aren’t in the mood for a full out workout but love working your stomach, then give it a go.

Or pair it with a different workout above or this tricep workout?

Ah, Forget About It

forget about it workout

Ah, I did forget about it… I forgot about this workout! I found it in my Pinterest folder and as soon as I did said…

“Oooo, that’s a good one!”

Love when you find stuff you forgot about! Here’s the original post.

Total body? Oh yes. 

Total heart pounder? For sure

Total muscle sculptor? You betcha.

The Marathon Circuit

marathon workout

No it’s not for running! It’s just a kick ass circuit that can be made to fit your vacation schedule.

  • Only have time for 1 round? Then do just 1 round.
  • Feeling energized… then go for 3!

Click here for details.

Speed Up Walking Workout

walking circuit

This is perfect if you’re some place where you can walk/jog. Because it’s ever changing there really is no way to get bored.

The time will fly by and before you know it’ you’ll be poolside sipping a frosty beverage!

Here’s more on this workout.

Hope Floats

hope floats workout

This is another recent workout, but again it was too much fun not to share it again.

And perhaps you missed it last week?

A high rep challenge workout set up to make your heart rate climb fast and your body feel the burn immediately.

If you only have 20 minutes, set a timer and see how far you can get!

Traveling Jump Rope

jump rope workout

I know I say it all the time, but jumping rope rocks. It burns calories as if you were running 6 minute miles (roughly).

And packing a jump rope? The easiest piece of fitness gear ever for traveling.

The cardio workout that doesn’t require you to run, which is what most of us think about when we think of vacation cardio.

Do you ever workout while on vacation? 

I always make sure to get a run in. I love seeing new areas this way, especially while everyone is still sleeping.

It’s as if you get to experience something no one else does, and it gives me a great appreciation for the trip.

But Dan and I also aim to get a few total body workouts in together. It’s a great way to start the day for us!

Whip Six Feed

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