30 October 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Halloween Workouts To Scare The Fat Right Off Your Body

By admin

Happy Halloween Eve!

I love this holiday and the energy that surrounds it. I am notorious for making holiday themed workouts for the gym, and for some reason I find that Halloween is the most fun to come up with.


We’re going to be eating our fair share of sugar, fat and just total crap this weekend (which is fine… it’s all about moderation). But it will feel good to get a workout in before and after too! Right?

Here’s a fun fact for you… The average kid’s trick or treat bag will contain over 1200 calories, 177 g of sugar, and 32 grams of fat!


I can promise you that when I was a kid (up braces and all), my bag was at least 2x this. My brother and I used a pillow case and we weren’t satisfied until it was at least half way full. <– Seriously!

I am sure we’re all going to aiming to burn a few more calories over the next few days, and I want to help.

Below you’ll find an awesome montage of the best halloween workouts! Some I created, and some are from my fit-loving friends.

They’re intense, they’re fun (as all themed things are), and they will scare the fat right off your body. BOO!

Top 10 Halloween Workouts To Scare The Fat Right Off Your Body


The Moves: 




4. The Killer Kettlebell Workout via YourTrainerPaige



6. Halloween Dead Circuit Via BlondesHaveMoreRun


7. The Horror Movie Workout via FitFoodFabulous


8. The Feeling Jumpy Workout via WheresTheBeach


9. The Halloween Workout via ItzLinz


10. The Halloween Candy Treadmill Workout via RunningWithPreserverance


What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

I LOVE Sugar Babies and Milky Ways. Yum!

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