05 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Reasons Why My Husband Will Never Ask Me To Stop Exercising

By admin

I don’t know what made me think about it, but it occurred to me that I’m not the only one that reaps the benefits of my workouts. Without fitness in my life, who knows if my neurotic personality would allow me to have any friends… or a spouse for that matter.


The sanity gained from exercising is just one perk that those closest to me get to enjoy, there are countless others.

I thought it would be fun to share the 10 ten reasons my husband (and likely yours too) is EXTREMELY thankful that I workout.

Why My Husband Will Never Ask My To Stop Exercising

1. Taking It Out Somewhere Else. 

Let’s be honest for a second. We’re all guilty of taking our bad days out on someone else from time to time. Dan’s happy I can take my bad day out at the gym instead of him. I get to burn some stress and he gets to remain relaxed. Win-Win.

2. No PMS Related Mood Swings.

Science proves that exercise eliminates or at least decreases PMS symptoms. Good news for all husbands, crazy mood swings and ridiculous cravings are kept at bay.

3. Flexibility In Increased.

Working out helps flexibility (if you make it a part of your program). I am proud to say that at 29, I can still do ALL 3 SPLITS. We’ll leave it at that.  :0

4. He Gets His Time.

We all need “alone time” and when you work at home with your spouse, that moments can be far and few in between. Since I do my long runs on Saturday mornings, that means he gets a few hours to himself to relax, eat breakfast, or play a game of Worms on my computer.


And in return, I get alone time too while I run. Another win-win.

5. I Don’t Need Him.

For the most part when it comes to opening jars, moving furniture or doing other things that often require the assistance of a man… I make it a point to avoid asking for help. I can open my own jars (99% of the time) and move our furniture as I want.

I feel strong and he feels unbothered.

6. Good-Bye Buttlite.

You know, cellulite that resides on your tush?

butt shot

Well, I used to have it. Bad. Really bad.

And as a woman, I was self conscious. Now it’s almost gone (I don’t think it will ever go away completely) and over the past few years Dan has commented on how much my butt has transformed.

Thank you squats, deadlifts, and lunges. Thank you.

7. Never Stuck Inside.

When you live a fit life, you want to do more than just lift weights in a gym. Dan appreciates my willingness to do things outside of the house. Paddleboarding, hiking, ice skating, etc… I’m game. In fact, on Saturday we have a mud run!


And he really likes that I am not a weak link.

Weak links suck.

8. Extra Sweet Attention

When I am training for something, like a half marathon, I watch my calories and make sure to fuel appropriately. That often means getting a few more calories in with larger meals, extra desserts (healthy) and more options available in the kitchen.

Dan can eat as much as a 16 year old kid going through puberty, so he really loves this.

9. Confident Boost.

Having a low level of confidence, doesn’t just affect you. It affects those closest to you as well. With exercise, I feel better about myself which radiates and allows us to have a better marriage.

And, He likes me in short skirts, and I feel comfortable doing it. 10 years ago that wouldn’t have been the case, and I don’t think Dan would really love seeing me in oversized sweats and t-shirts every day.

10. A Tighter Figure.

Of course Dan loves me for me, but I want to look good for him. I want him to look at me and think “wow, that’s my wife”… Call me feminist, but looking good for my husband is a large part of my motivation.


Just like, I love looking at him and thinking, “wow that’s my husband!”

So those are the reasons the hubby likes me working out, I also thought it would be fun to toss out some of the reasons why he’s not such a fan, really fast.

A few reasons my hubby doesn’t like that I workout 

  1. I have no boobs
  2. Bedtime after a long training day, or the night before an early run means bedtime
  3. Sore muscles translates into “don’t touch”
  4. Questions such as: Would she rather workout then spend time with me? Might come up
  5. I’m always in workout clothes… short skirts are great but not ideal for teaching boot camp.
  6. I ask for hugs when I am still sweaty and stinky

And that’s that!

What’s the #1 thing your spouse loves about you working out?

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