14 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Things I’m Lovin This Valentine’s Day

By admin

Happy Valentine’s Day!

While we don’t really make a big fuss for the day, I did leave Dan a little goodie bag to wake up to. Do you know how hard it is to buy chocolate knowing you can’t eat it!?

Oh, in case you didn’t see it on facebook… I gave up all sweet treats for Lent. Ugh, why did it have to fall 1 day before Valentine’s day!?

Anyways, in the spirit of love that is hopefully floating around today, I thought it would be fun to share Ten Things I’m Loving Right Now for Top Ten Thursday.

As a woman, our tastes and preferences change all the time, so at the moment these are what I am going crazy over. You never know, next week might be a completely different story!

Valentine’s Day Inspired:
Top 10 Things I Am Loving Right Now

Peanut Butter Co Maple Peanut Butter

peanut butter company maple

A few weeks ago, I discovered Peanut Butter Company brand nut butters. I consumed an entire jar of the Raisin Cinnamon in 3 days… with some help of course by myself. Well, Alex over at the company was kind enough to send me a few of their other flavors, one of them being the Mighty Maple. OMG, it’s as if a peanut and a pancake got married and their offspring was this. It’s incredible!

My Nike Headband. 

nike headband

This Nike headband was a gift from a client who bought it and after trying it on decided she didn’t like it covering her ears. This is one of the best gifts ever, I have other ear warmers but this one stays put… in fact I wore it the entire race of the 17K trail run. It kept my ears warm and helped to hold my earphones in place (something I have issues with). I have heard that Lululemon’s are great too, I just haven’t tried them yet.

We’ve been inseparable for every run I have done outside since.

Family Time.


I love my family but it’s easy to take living close to them for granted. With a family issue going it, it’s really helped to bring the importance of spending time with those closest to you back into perspective. I have had many visits with my grandmother enjoying learning about her childhood and old family memories. I wouldn’t trade these times for anything. This includes time with my crazy pet girls, Nike and Zoe. Does anyone else have a cat that sticks their tongue out?

UnderArmour Coldgear Leggings.

underarmour coldgear leggings

I have several pairs of leggings, ranging from Target to Lululemon. I have to admit I am pretty obsessed with these UnderArmour Coldgear Fitted Leggings though. The waistband is perfect so they aren’t too tight but don’t slide down during runs. Plus, they are really breathable, I have run on the treadmill several times in these and never feel overheated… I can’t say the same about many of my other brands. In fact, I keep meaning to head to the UA store and pick up a second pair so I don’t wear these out too quickly!

My Husband. 

dan and taylor

How can I not mention him on a day such as this? I am not the easiest person to live with, much less to be married to so I have to say, I am pretty lucky. Not every girl can work with their husband, so I feel fortunate. I mean sure we have our days, but for the most part working as a team is such a great opportunity and something I do not take for granted. Not to mention, he’s up for trying all my crazy vegan experiments and always up for a big salad over burger and fries any day. Plus, look how cute he is!



I was telling Dan last night that I think I could live off apples if I could only choose one thing for the rest of my life. I have been eating an apple every day for the past 6 months. I keep waiting to get tired of them and move on to a new fruit, but I just can’t seem to get enough.

Need an apple recipe? you’re in luck here!

Valentine’s Apple Torte
Apple Bread
Apple Pie Granola
Apple Pie Cereal
Apple Walnut Cookies

I find this really weird, because as a kid, I liked apples but never LOVED them. Right now if you asked me to choose between a block of chocolate or a fresh, crisp apple… I might actually go with the apple. What’s wrong with me?

Sephora Nail Polish.

sephora nail polish dreamsicle

I picked this up when I was in Charlotte a few weekends ago because I realized I had forgotten to remove my sparkly race nail polish (not very classy). This is the SpaRitual nail polish in Dreamsicle and cost just $ 10.00.

I have gotten so many compliments on this color, so I guess it’s a winner! And it comes off easily, making me a bigger fan. I hate having to scrub my polish off as if it’s a red wine spot on the counter.


malbec robert mandovi

I love wine, I really love a crisp citrusy class of Sauvignon Blanc however, during the winter I have zero desire for a white. Lately, I have been enjoying a great red Malbec. I’m not picky but I really enjoy this one, and considering it’s only around $ 12, it’s a perfect wine for dinner! It pairs well with just about everything.

Burpee Pull-ups

burpee pullup

Now before you try to lock me up in an insane assulym hear me out. I love exercises that work many muscle groups at a time and bring my heart rate up. Plus,  doing these makes me feel like a bad ass in the gym.

Basically, do a burpee right under a pull-up bar, on the jump at the end of the burpee, grab the bar and do an overhand pull-up. Drop down and repeat. Fun times, right!?


blend retreat

Okay, as of right now I am in love with the idea of Utah. The other night I took the plunge and signed up to attend the Blend Retreat in Park City, Utah. The conference is all about Blogging + Friends = Blend. I can’t wait to hang out with some amazing fellow fitness/health bloggers for a weekend in the beautiful area of Park City!

The only thing I am bit sad about is that for the past 2 years Dan has been wanting to go to Utah, and now I am going without him. Makes me feel a bit guilty, or perhaps makes me want to plan a vacation for just the two of us!

Okay so there you have it! The top 10 things I am lovin’ right now on this Valentine’s Day!

What is something you’re loving right now? 

Plans for Valentine’s Day?

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The post Top 10 Things I’m Lovin This Valentine’s Day appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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