11 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Top 10 Events For A Fitness Bucket List

By admin

It’s Thursday and that can mean only 1 thing… it’s Top Ten Time! Whoo hoo!

How’s the week going so far? We’ve almost made it to the weekend.

With this month being super crazy in terms of fitness events, it got me thinking… what else do I want to accomplish in the fitness world? What events do I want to target and cross off my bucketlist?

So without further ado, it’s my Fit Bucket List!

Now, I don’t think it’s really fair for me to hit up what I want to do without highlighting a few things I’ve done already…

  • Figure competition (once was enough)
  • Strong Woman contest (so much fun!)
  • Mud Runs (5K course and 5.2 mile course)
  • 1/2 Marathon Myrtle Beach (October 21, 2012)

Of course some other things are left off, but those are the big boys that I have crossed off my list so far.

Here’s a few more of what I hope to achieve:

Disney 1/2 Marathon. 

I just want to dress up like Tinker Bell and run around. I really don’t have more to say to that. Well, perhaps, I will also have a princess crown on my head. Just the thought of it makes me happy.

I haven’t been to Disney since I was a little girl, and I have an itch to go before we start having kiddos. So what better to visit the park and run the race? Okay, so I guess I did have more to say.

Reach The Beach 200 Relay

Stuck in a van for a weekend, hanging out with 11 other people to accomplish running 200 miles. Sounds like a great time to me! If you haven’t heard of the 200 mile relays, the idea is that you take turns running legs of a 200 mile course. Most teams are comprised of 12 members. I want to do this so bad, simply for the team aspect.

Tough Mudder. 

Because 5.2 miles just isn’t enough, lol. I feel the need to be bruised and beat up for 10 miles. Sign me up! I just love cleaning mud out of my ears for weeks.  I guess depending how Dan likes the experience this weekend, will determine if I can get him to do this with me!

Kiawah 1/2 Marathon. 

So I promised Dan I would stop running distance after this month’s race. And then I convinced him to support me for the Disney… well, now in my head I am thinking I can’t NOT do a race in my own town!? Am I right or am I right? Kiawah is in December so I’ve got quite awhile (I wouldn’t do it until 2013).

Create a “Boot Camp Challenge Course”. 

–I’ll Share  A Picture When It Happens :)

This is a personal goal.  I want to direct a race here in Charleston that incorporates both aspects: a road race and a boot camp. So for example, ever so many miles people would have to stop and do a mini-boot camp workout before continuing on. Still a lot of brainstorming for this to happen! But it’s a goal.

I have already talked with a few of my clients and they are already excited! Works well in Charleston, you might just have one one day in a city near you!

Complete a Triathalon. 

I know that sounds so “cliche”, but I can’t lie. I want to do one. This one will not be any where in the near future. I don’t have a bike, I don’t have time to swim and I don’t feel like marking this off any time soon…  but one day!

Have I mentioned, I am actually a bit frightened of riding a bike? Which is one of the big reasons I want to tackle this!

Hike the Rockies. 

Not the entire chain, but I have always wanted to visit Colorado and hike, camp, and take in what the beautiful (or I think beautiful) state has to offer.

I’ve often joked that I am a hippie in heals, I just think this vegan girl would be quite happy there… during the summer of course. Screw the snow.

Wine Run: Napa To Sonoma 1/2 Marathon.

I really want to do a race that runs through the wineries in Italy. I just can’t find a specific one, so I will settle for now for the Napa To Sonoma Half Marathon. Race and then end with wine drinking? And running through wineries? Yes please! If I find one in Europe, I will share it! But how perfect does this sound for the wino runner like myself?

Surf and Climb in Costa Rica. 

This isn’t an “event’ but it’s something Dan and I have to do one day! This is our ultimate fitness dream… to surf Costa Rica and then hike along the mountains. How ideal does that sound?

Here’s a secret… when I first became a trainer, I wanted to move to open a “fitness retreat” in Costa Rica. I still haven’t given up that dream, it still brings happy thoughts and images to my head. The ultimate fitness package for me!

So there you have it, those are the top 10 fitness events that I have on my bucket list!

  • What’s on yours?
  • If you could do anything, money is no issue, what would it be? 

Can’t wait to hear!


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