14 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Top 10 Tastiest and Healthiest Nut Butters

By admin

Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here, and for many of you that might mean grocery shopping is just around the corner?

How many times do you see something that catches your eye, you hold it, check out the label but then put it back down and grab “old faithful”?  Maybe it’s the price or maybe it’s just the fear of trying something new and being disappointed by it.

For me, I have no problem trying new things. In fact, I very rarely stick to the same brands, I like variety and experimenting. I think Dan gets annoyed by this though, he’s the type that is happy with the exact same foods week after week. I love seeing his facial expressions as he reaches onto his shelf for a yogurt to discover a new brand or flavor. Sometimes it works out (Icelandic yogurt = winner), sometimes it doesn’t (Ginger flavored yogurt = fail) but at least I try to expand our pallets.

For me personally, I experiment most with nut butters. I guess,  I might be considered a nut butter conosigeur? Okay, probably not but I have tried a lot of them and Dan does call me a nut butter snob.

Some have been good, some not so good, some overly priced and some priced just right but all have helped me to compile today’s Top Ten!

best all natural nut butters

Top 10 Tastiest & Healthiest Nut Butters that I have found thus far in my search for the B.E.S.T. nut butter. And no, Jiffy All-Natural is not on the list (Dan’s favorite). 

Nuts N’ More Chocolate Almond Butter

nuts n more

If you like cake batter then your will love this stuff. Jeanette learned about Nuts’N More butter when the company was on ABC’s The Shark Tank and immediately ordered a jar. At our last running date, she called me to her car, pulled the jar out and forced me to take a taste. I came close to grabbing the jar from her and running off. It was that good.

Unfortunately, it’s not vegan as it does include whey protein but wow, amazing. The texture is smooth and almost “melty” which is the best butter texture!

Wild Squirrel Vanilla Espresso Almond Butter

wild squirrel espresso

Vanilla + espresso = latte spread. Why not combine my two favorite breakfasts items (almond butter and coffee) to help start my day off on the right foot? This Wild Squirrel is so good! I was worried that the flavors of one ingredient would over power the others but that wasn’t the case. The ratio of almonds to vanilla to espresso is just right. I love that they sell these as individual packets at my grocery store, I’ll just grab 1 or 2 and keep them in my car for whenI need a quick snack.

I’ll admit, while I love this flavor, I am not a fan of all the Wild Squirrel nut butters, but this one is a winner.

Peanut Butter Company Cinnamon Raisin Swirl

peanut butter co raisin

I have mentioned this Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Peanut Butter Co flavor before because it’s just that good. Think oatmeal raisin cookie in a jar and you’ve got a great idea of what to expect from this flavor. If you like smooth, don’t get this though, there are chunks of raisins and other ingredients.

I don’t buy it often because I cannot control my finger dips throughout the day. I felt pretty ashamed (okay not really) after I ate the entire jar within 5 days, but at least it’s all natural and has no added sugar. It’s really reasonably priced ($ 5-$ 6) and I have liked every single flavor from Peanut Butter Co. that I’ve tried to date… this one being my favorite.

Trader Joe’s Sunflower Butter

sunflower seed butter

Last year I gave up nut butter for Lent, so what was a nut butter obsessed girl to do? Change over to seed butter… enter in sunflower butter. On my first trip to Trader Joe’s I spotted this jar and had a good feeling we would be friends.

If the thought of chewing on sunflower seeds brings back memories then you have to try this. You won’t be able to not smile with each bite you take that includes this. It’s fresh, creamy and a great way to break away from the norm of peanuts and almonds. When I need a change, this is it.

Artisana Cacao Bliss

cacao bliss

For the chocolate coconut lovers out there. Cacoa bliss is an all-natural coconut and raw cacao butter. It reminds me of a healthy Nutella with the flavors of chocolate and nuts mixing together, but better.

The only thing that I am not crazy about is that it can harden at cool temperatures. When I had a few packets of it a while back, I just sat on them for a few minutes to help soften the coconut oil so that I could spread it.

The chocolate + coconut combo makes it perfect for smoothies or just by it’s self. Also works really well with baking!

Justin’s Almond Butter

justins classic almond

Justin’s is available at most large chain stores now which is perfect because it is all-natural and really reasonably priced ($ 5). I’ve had both the peanut butter and the almond butter but I have to say that the almond butter is hands down the winner.

To be honest, the peanut butter is a bit too dry for me, it’s almost crumbly, but the almond butter is perfect!

Dan has always preferred simple when it comes to his nut butter (he only likes peanut butter), and for years he has been eating Jiffy All-Natural. However, I finally got him to approve this one, so no more added sugar and oils for his butta’!

My Cashew Butter

homemade cashew

This is 100% homemade but it has a special place in my heart. My dad used to make cashew butter when I was a kid and it was the best stuff ever. He wouldn’t make it very often because the two of us would go through it too quickly. When I was visiting from college during the summers, I would beg him for cashew butter and enjoy each batch as it were the last.

When I got my food processor, homemade cashew butter was on my “must make” list. It’s taken some practice runs, but I finally got it! I have had the best outcome by combing cashews with almonds for the best consistency.

Earth Balance Coconut Butter

earth balance coconut spread

Ask a vegan about Earth Balance and they will most likely go off on how great they are. Earth Balance makes vegan butter (great for baking) but they also make amazing nut butters. When I saw the Earth Balance Coconut Peanut Butter at Whole Foods about a year ago, I didn’t even look at the price (which is less than $ 6), I just tossed it in my cart and continued out.

Dan and I both love this stuff… it is smooth, creamy and rich. The oils never separate and to be honest the texture reminds me of Jiffy, and who didn’t love Jiffy as a kid?

I love that the coconut oil added to the butter adds an extra kick to the texture, it’s almost extra silky smooth because of it.

Artisana Macadamia Cashew Butter

artisana macadamia

I love Artisana brand because  it’s raw, organic, all natural and delicious; so I attempt to try many of their products. Because of the price, that doesn’t happen often but when I saw this I couldn’t pass it up.

I am a sucker for all things macadamia, and as mentioned before cashew butter rocks. Seriously, the only ingredients in the entire jar include: Organic raw macadamias, Organic Raw Cashews.

I’ve tried to recreate the Macadamia Cashew at home, but couldn’t get the consistency quite right so it’s a splurge purchase. Perfect on top of pancakes!

Fastachi Walnut Butter

walnut butter

Dan LOVES walnuts and I’ve been on the lookout for a good walnut butter for quite a while (that doesn’t cost $ 20/jar). I found this brand about a week ago and though I haven’t tried it YET, I am ordering it soon to give it a go.

Walnuts have a low oil content so I am curious to see how Fastachi walnut butter comes out, I am expecting it to be a bit dry? I’ll let you know! So far, this looks like the most natural walnut butter on the market, if you have a suggestion please share!

And there you have it! Now all of this nut butter talk has me craving a peanut butter banana smoothie, so excuse me!

Which looks the best to you? 

What nut butter is your favorite?

*I was not paid/endorsed by any of the companies mentioned above. These are simply brands that I love and wanted to share. 

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