13 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top 12 Female Movie Characters To Imitate During Your Workouts

By admin

How many times have you watched a strong female character in a movie or a show and thought to yourself:

“Wow, she’s a badass. I wish I was more like that.”

I’ve done it… in fact, I love Kate Beckinsale’s character in Underworld. She’s a total badass that isn’t afraid of anything. Because of the character, I of course, have a huge admiration for Beckinsale in general… I mean she must be like that in real life, right? I wouldn’t mess with her.


But let’s put actors aside and instead focus on the badass characters that they morphed into. Characters that you can pull from to up the intensity in the gym, to feel more confident and of course… feel like a badass.

And I know you’ll be surprised, but Lara Croft didn’t make the list… but check out who did, especially #6!


Top 12 Butt Kicking Female Movie Characters
To Imitate During Your Workouts 

1. Hit Girl: Kick Ass.


If you haven’t seen this movie, watch it soon. Hit Girl, as the name suggest, is a little girl… she just happens to be able to kick butt in a serious way. Okay so it might not be the cleanest of movies and watching a 10 year old cut people in half might not be your cup of tea. I know it sounds terrible, but it’s actually really good.

Her lesson: Don’t let size hold you back. Great things can come from small packages. Do not let the excuse of being a girl stop you from grabbing the next weight up on the dumbbell wrack, or for asking the guy that has been hogging the squat station if he’s almost done (or wants to share).

2. Ripley: Alien.


I really don’t think that anyone in their right mind would argue with me here. Ripley is THE quintessential badass of female heroins. When the shit hits the fan, she doesn’t freak out, she does what she needs to do, however she needs to do it.

Of course you’re not going to have to fight mammoth size aliens but it’s important focus on that task at hand. The gym isn’t the time to lolly-gag around. Get in, focus on your workout and use Riply’s intensity to walk out a sweaty mess.

3. The Bride: Kill Bill.

kill bill

Wow, talk about a character with a goal.

From the start of the 1st movie, the bride announces her goal: to kill Bill. But instead of rushing in and doing the deed without proper thought (where errors can happen), it takes her 2 full, very long movies. She plans a course of action, stays dedicated and motivated, and achieves the goal as intended.

That’s how weight loss goals should be. Take time to develop a plan/program: so take some tips from her: educate yourself on the best way to go about achieving your goals… whether it’s weight loss or a fitness goals and stick to the plan. Success will come.

4. Princess Leia: Star Wars.


True story… when I was in the 1st grade my mom did my hair like the princess. I thought I looked so cool, the other kids had a few different opinions. It might have been the GINORMOUS bows she added for some extra “wow”. Luckily, I am not scared.

She’s spunky and takes crap from no one. I like to think I have a little bit of Leia in me.

Go into each workout with your head held high and determined. If someone tries to deter you, or perhaps talk you out of getting your workout in, stand up to them. If you have someone in your life that isn’t all that supportive, tell them to stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Stake your claim and be a bit prideful and stubborn. A lot of times people call those weak qualities, but not for this. Of course wearing buns on your head will help too.

5. Katniss Everdeen: Hunger Games.


Functional fitness… that’s what I love about Katniss. No one can deny that she’s in shape, but she isn’t sitting their doing dumbbell curls or calf raises. Her form of fitness is to improve her survival. To make life easier.

That’s what functional fitness is all about and it’s what I stand behind 100% (Have you tried my boot camp program yet?). It’s one thing to be able to curl a 40 lb dumbbell, it’s another to wake up without back pain because you have a strong core; or to be able to chase down the mailman to give him a bill to mail out without becoming nauseous.
Workout to life a better life.

6. Dora: Finding Nemo.


“Just keep swimming, just keep swimming” the BEST life lesson ever. There will be days when you don’t want to workout or you want to give in to temptation and eat an entire fudge brownie sundae. But remember your goal, and as Dora said, Just keep swimming! Don’t give up. You’ll have good workouts and bad workouts, and luckily the more you workout the more good ones you’ll have.

Another lesson from Miss Dora: make friends! Put yourself out there to meet others that are into the same things as you. You will likely find training partners and accountability partners. Of course that’s one of the driving forces behind Fit Womens Weekly!

7. Sally Albright: When Harry Met Sally.

when harry met sally

One of my favorite movies of all time. Sally is a woman who isn’t afraid to customize things to make it work for her.

When she goes to out to eat, Harry makes fun of her because she is so specific in her orders. By time she has placed it, the waiter looks confused and the meal is completely different than what was on the menu. That’s what I do, so I can relate.

My order goes something like this:

“Yes, I’m ready to order… is it okay if I make some alterations? Can I get the Mushroom burger, but instead of a burger just a portabella? And instead of cheese, can I get avocado? And I don’t eat fries, so can I get a side salad please with oil and vinegar on the side? Awesome. Thanks!”

I’m serious.

The point is, what works for some, doesn’t work for others. Take control of your body and tweak your program to make it YOURS. Of course, a trainer can help make this happen too.

Also, just because everyone is doing one thing doesn’t mean you have to. Yes, Barre classes are huge right not, but if they just aren’t your thing… that’s okay. Same with running, running isn’t a requirement to be fit. Find what you like and go with it.

8. Jordan: GI Jane.

ji jane

She shaved her hair off, for crying out loud! Yes, she gets a badass card, perhaps two.

Jordon isn’t afraid to be strong, isn’t afraid to show the boys what she can do. And is she huge and manly looking? No, she looks fabulous. Being strong isn’t just for the guys, go into your workout wanting to be stronger than the day before.

Throw out doubts, fears and intimidations and go in knowing you’re going to do all that you can. And if you cry because your workout is so tough, then pat yourself on the back.

9. Vivian Ward: Pretty Woman.

pretty women

What can a prostitute turned princess teach you about your workout?

Don’t let stereotypes bring you down! Or your past.

Thoughts like “ok I wasn’t athletic growing up, so there is no way I can get into fitness now,” happen. Forget those times, and focus on today. It’s all you have. The past is the past and we can’t be guaranteed the future. Wake up thinking that today you can become a princess and go for it.

Think outside of your comfort zone. If you’ve been eying a local mud run, then go ahead and sign up. Thinking about trying a new boot camp, why not? It’s a new day and people can change.

10. Donna: Mama Mia.


Life is suppose to be fun, exercise is suppose to be fun! Even when we’re dealt a few unexpected blows or set backs, learn from Mama Mia and find time to sing, dance and laugh.

People that laugh more are healthier and of course happier than those that don’t… so smile! BIG! And if you’re not enjoying your workouts, then try something new that might excite you.

I think Mama Mia also teaches an important lesson on camaraderie and support. Having a good support system is so beneficial when going after goals. Find people that have your back and don’t be afraid to lean on them from time to time.

Or at least can spot you when you need help at the gym!

11. Black Widow: The Avengers. 


Strong, fast, nimble, she is the total package. Don’t limit yourself when it comes to the fitness world. Cross train, experiment with new classes, and aim to be fit in all aspects.

That’s why when people ask if I am a runner, I respond back with “its one of the things I like to do.”

Don’t type cast yourself.

12. Samantha: Sixteen Candles.


Aww…Poor girl, everyone forgot her sweet sixteen. Yet she picked herself up and keep moving forward. Even when people turn their back on you, or don’t support your goals… use it as fuel to work even harder.

Anytime someone brings me down, I find that I have the best workouts. I want to prove them wrong and prove to myself that i have what it takes to be the best (that I can be) and accomplish my goals.

What do you think? Is there someone that shouldn’t be on this list? Someone you think should be added?

I want to know. Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Who’s your favorite badass female? 

Personally, I love Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale, so any characters they play I know I am going to think they are badasses. Which has often lead me to wonder…

Who would win in battle: Kate or Jessica? Just a thought.

Image sources: 

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