16 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: 10 Reasons Why The Gym Annoys Me

By admin

Good morning! I hope your day is off to a great start.

I spent my morning (after boot camp) running around looking for this:

“Choffy”. It’s ground up cocoa beans that can be brewed just like coffee (read more about it here). And my search ended unsuccessfully. Boo. You might be wondering, why was I on such a random search? Because I am married to a coffee addict.

Seriously, Dan can put down 3 pots of coffee EASILY in a day. This would be his dream mug!

Recently he’s decided to cut back but wanted some alternative to sip on during the day. It was funny that he mentioned it to me right after I read Tina’s blog about her starting to drink Choffy so I recommended it to him and hence the search began.

Have you ever had it? Love to hear your thoughts.

Okay, moving on to Top Ten Thursday!

Yes, even a gym rat like me has reasons to hate the gym. Sometimes I just walk in and want to turn right back around. I am pretty sure everyone has this love/hate relationship with their gym… unless you workout at someplace like this:

From Forbes Top Gyms

Which I don’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love the gym as well. I personally can’t push myself hard at home and need the workout atmopshere to really workout. I also enjoy the solice of it, it’s my place to get away from my computer and just focus on me.

Top Ten Reasons The Gym Is Annoying 

10. Germ Spa. Not to gross anyone out but I think we’re all aware that the mustiness of sweat creates a breeding ground for germs. Have you ever looked around at people to take note if they actually wipe down their gear? Many do, however, just as many don’t. I try to wipe down benches before and after I am done.

Here’s a quick did you know fact: “Do you know what the germiest place is in the gym?” Nope, it’s not the benches… it’s the free weights!

9. Darkness. Our gym is void of windows, half of the time there is a leak somewhere, and the lighting is awful. It was a grocery store prior to being converted over, and because of that’s there is a cold, dreariness about the place. Gross.

8. Socializers. I don’t see this as often now because we go at a somewhat quiet part of the day, but when I used to workout in the mornings before work the place was packed.

But 1/3 of those there weren’t working out. They sit on their phones, texting while on the treadmill, chit-chat with others while sitting on benches and doing nothing. Sorry if it’s harsh but my thoughts are…. get up and let someone who wants to workout, workout.

7. Embarrassing happenings. I can’t tell you how many times I have embarrassed myself while working out at the gym. And like I said above, because I pretty much workout around the same people, they’ve seen it all. Oh, all the things that have against me: a hole in my crouch of my workout tights (did I mention I had no underwear on) is probably the best so far though.

6. Too much of the wrong stuff. I am pretty sure this is 99% of gyms, but the floor is covered with weight machines while actually weights only take up one little old corner. Machines are just space fillers, instead I would love to see more benches, squat racks, dumbbells, etc instead of having to keep my fingers crossed the equipment I need is available.

5. “Being sized up”. This doesn’t happen often because I pretty much see the same people every time we workout, but on those rare occasions when we go at a different time or someone new is around, I hate feeling as if I am being analyzed to be accepted into the weight room. This is something many of us women have to battle with.


Guys want to use the bench when I am on it and though they don’t say it, you can tell they are thinking “I wish this chick would get up so I can lift some real weights.” Luckily, the regulars around me now I mean business! lol.

4. Poor etiquette. Again this is every where, but the other day I walked away from the squat rack I was working on to tell Dan something. I left my water bottle and notebook right there and was probably away for all of 60 seconds. When I came back, a guy was making himself comfie and re-doing my weights. Seriously? And yes, I did politely tell him that I was still using it.

3. Bad overhead music. Am I the only one that is never impressed with the overhead music their gyms plays? Call me maybe crazy, (oh get that song out of my head), but I don’t wont to listen to hard rock, oldies or country while working out. Though I do love country and oldies, it’s not want I want to pump me up for my workout. Does your gym play good music?

How cute is this?


2. Grunters. Okay, so I don’t hate grunters, they actually make me laugh. But it is annoying to have people (normally guys) trying to lift weights and sounding as if they are having their teeth pulled without Novocain. Simmer down boys, simmer down.

1. Lack of options. This is the top reason I don’t like my gym. Because I have no choice into which gym I workout in. I know I need a gym, but in our area this is it. In fact, this is pretty much the only gym around because they have bought out so many others. At this point, I think they are more concerned with opening up locations than taking care of the ones they have. Things get left broken, ceilings leak, etc. I love working out in gyms, I just wish I had options around for which ones!

Do you workout in a gym? What is one thing you love and one thing that annoys you about the whole gym thing?

Now, it’s time to head out to the gym! As much as I might complain about it, I can’t live without it! Here’s to having a great workout today! :)

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