15 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: Top 10 Fitness Gadgets I’m Thankful For

By admin

The countdown is on… 7 days until I’ll be stuffing myself with turkey vegan meatloaf, sweet potatoes and of course green bean casserole (recipe to come this weekend)!

To be honest, Thanksgiving has really snuck up on my this year, I feel like it was November 1st just yesterday. Well, until I log on to Facebook and see everyone’s daily thanks.

I know you’ve seen them and maybe you’ve joined in on the Give Thanks Bandwagon too? I wish I could say I have but I am terrible at keeping up with things like that so instead I decided to give my thanks right here.

But there is one thing, I won’t be giving thanks to my family, friends, animals, etc… all of which I am VERY thankful for (okay, so I guess I did just give them thanks); I want to give thanks to all the fitness gadgets that make my life a bit more intense and active!

So without further ado…

Top 10 Fitness Gadgets That Deserve Thanks

Under Armour Tights.

Thank you UA for making my ass look nice (yes, I realize it’s pretty flat) in workouts and videos. I know recently I turned my back to you to try other brands, but in the end I couldn’t stay away. You provide me with a great look while not breaking my bank account, those two reasons alone are why I am so thankful! You make fitness sexy.

Nike+ TomTom.

So what if I really wanted a Garmin at the time. You, Nike+, has proved yourself to me. I am thankful for a watch that tells me what the heck I am accomplishing and shows me when I am off my game and on my game. I am thankful for a GPS watch that isn’t the size of my entire fist and I can wear on a day to day basis for teaching classes.

Foam Roller.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for relieving my sore muscles and rolling out my kinks. Sometimes you hurt me (a lot) but afterwards you always bring a feeling of peace and relaxation to my body. While I am running, I often dream of the moment when I am done and rolling my stupid IT band out on you.

Pull-up Bar.

Thank you pull-up bar for always giving me a challenge. I might come off as hating you (most of the time) but in truth I just hate that I am always having to work so hard for you. You give me new challenges and make for fun mini competitions in our home. I am thankful for you no matter how much grief I give and I will dominate you one day. When I decide to actually start working on it, which will be soon!

The Ninja.

Thank you for allowing me to make healthy, fresh smoothies and shakes, Mr Ninja. You sit quietly on the counter until its time to jump into action, which you do really well. Maybe not as well as if you were a Vitamix, but I am thankful for you anyways. Though, I can’t promise you won’t be updated to the VM one day… for now you do your job of giving us our post workout protein load!


Oh GymBoss you really do rule my workouts. Thank you for helping me run interval workouts with  Fit Womens Weekly and large groups of people. Your timing skills are awesome and though I wished that a minute would count down faster you help me give my all and create great workout.

Compression Socks.

compression socks

At first compression socks, I thought you were a fad. But after suffering from sore feet and toe blisters after every long run I decided to bite the bullet and give you a try. Wow, thank you for giving me foot and blister relief and for helping my toes look normal again. Now if that 1 toe nail would grow back, it’s all thanks to you.


Okay, so I don’t personally use you but I am thankful to have you on my iphone as a way for me to connect with boot campers and food conscious friends. Because of you I am able to hold my ladies accountable and make easy suggestions right there on the spot. You make my life a tad bit easier. Thanks.

Mizuno Wave Inspire Running Shoes.

Some may argue you’re not a gadget, but you cost as much as an electronic so I’m counting it. I am thankful that you have allowed me to log in hundreds of miles running pain-free. I am thankful to finally have a shoe that doesn’t cause shin splints, knee pain or back issues. Thank you Mizuno, thank you.

The gadget guy.

Why such the headshot? Because when he sees it he’ll most likely roll his eyes. Couldn’t help it :)  

Okay, I said I wouldn’t give thanks to family… but I have to give thanks to Dan. Yes, he’s my husband but it’s also because of him that I know ANYTHING about computers and gadgets. Thanks Dan for keeping me up to date with the latest and greatest, for making me check out apps and learning to better organize workouts and life.

  • What are you most thankful for when it comes to your workouts? 
  • Have you tried any of these? 

Before I head off to get started on some videos and workouts… I have some exciting news to share! Yesterday morning, the local news came to my boot camp and did a piece on the workout and me! Hopefully I will get a copy of it to share on the blog. I was pretty nervous, but at least I had my new UA tights and top to make me feel like a bad ass!


*I was not paid or endorsed in anyway  by the above companies. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

The post Top Ten Thursday: Top 10 Fitness Gadgets I’m Thankful For appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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