10 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: Top 10 Reasons To Destroy My Wedding Dress

By admin

How’s that for a blog post heading?

A few days ago I posted up on Facebook that I registered for the Color Me Rad Race.

It’s a 5K race where at certain markers they toss colored corn starch on you as you run by. By the end of the race you’re one big colored mess. Sounds fun right?

Photo courtesy of ColorMeRad.com

Dan then mentioned how cool it would be if I did it in my wedding dress as a way to give it a fun hoorah.

Yea! Wait… what!? 

I finally decided that I would put it out there for you guys to choose on the Facebook page. Well, it seems a lot of you are keen on the idea of me destroying my wedding dress.

And because of that, I decided to see if I could use it to do something really cool and for a cause.


Top 10 Reasons To Destroy My Wedding Dress

1. Help Others. 

I am a HUGE advocate of the Special Olympics for personal reasons and simply because of what they stand for. It’s an important organization that I began to be active with last year with this and this.

So this is where I need your help! I WILL run in my dress… and dedicate it to the Special Olympics. I have seen how the SO can influence lives and I want to be apart of such an amazing team.  My goal is to raise over $ 1000 between now and the race (March 23rd). I am so blessed with amazing support and thankful for everyone in my life that I know this can happen!

All I am asking for a donation of $ 1-$ 5… please no more than that. I understand that the holidays were just here, but just a buck or two can go a really long way. I want to turn this into not just a fun experience but something that will benefit others. To tell you the truth, until I decided on this I was still having BIG self doubts if I could follow through.


Now, with something that really has a place in my heart, I want to turn this dress painting idea into something useful! Screw the fun pictures (though those are on the list)… it’s for a cause!

You can help by visiting my Special Olympics page and PLEASE spread the word! Tweet, Facebook, Google+… whatever, simply help spread the word and let’s see what Lifting Revolution can accomplish. Click the image or click HERE to give a donate.

While that is the #1 reason to destroy my dress… I did come up with a few others!

2. Christen My (Unborn) Children. 

A lot of people (including myself and my mom) have suggested keeping my gown for my future daughter, niece, etc. But the truth is, it’s a bit of a gamble to assume that she will A. be 5’5 or shorter. B. Be a size 2. and C. Assume she’ll want a cathedral wedding gown.

So about a year ago, I came up with the idea of taking the train and making a Christening gown for our future children. This is something that can be passed from generation to generation… and how cool would it be to have our kids wearing something that meant so much to us?

So yes, I WILL NOT run in my train… I would like to not break my face thank you very much.

3. It’s Just Sitting There. 

It’s been 2.5 years since we got married and that gown is still just on it’s hanger in my bedroom at my parents house. Not preserved, not boxed up. In fact, last time I went to look at it, it was in the dress bag but had fallen off the hanger. So it was in a big ball on the floor. Cool. :(

4. Friends Do Cool Things Together

I am so fortunate to have awesome friends.


So far J & I have: 2 Mudruns, the above Charleston Push-up Contest, Several 5Ks, an upcoming 70 mile relay, and a 1/2 marathon next weekend. Yea, we are pretty much inseparable with our fitness passion.

When I told my friend Jeanette about this, she immediately said that if she is in town (she travels for work) then she will wear her old gown and run by my side. Now, that is what I call friendship. I think it woud be a blast.

5. The Run Away Bride

Dan is running the race as well. And of course I’ll be running ahead of him… hehehe. So technically I will be his “Run Away Bride”. That just makes me giggle. And even though my dress weighs a ton… I will not let it slow me down!

6. Making Memories.

Life is short. The dress has so many great memories from my wedding attached to it. Once we get the Christening gown made, it will continue to make memories. Why not add another great memory by doing a fun race, doing what I love to do!?

7. Color On White Looks So Much Better

Sure, you can do the Color Me Rad in t-shirts and shorts… but think how much brighter the colors will look once they are on the white and crystals! Talk about a “wow” at the end of the race. I’ll look like I sat on a bag of Skittles.

8. Scrapbook Worthy Memories

I won’t lie, it’s going to make for a fun blog post to write up! The photos will be awesome and I will be so excited to sit down and type the experience out. That is the best part about blogging. I get to share my experiences with you… but these are memories that are kept! I am terrible with pictures and documenting events and the blog has helped me to make a scrapbook of my life. Years from now I’ll be able to look back on it!

I’ve heard of “Trash the Dress” and now I get to do mine. Now that’s a memory!

9. It Washes Out
I have heard that the powder used at the race is not permanent. So if I freak out after, I can take it to get it cleaned. Though, having the train cut off pretty much puts an end to future wears. But you never know… the color is reversible! Grab the Oxy Clean and Voila.

10. Why Not? 

And finally, why not? If I am having the Christening gown made that pretty much destroys me wedding gown. So why not use it one last time for something that can make a difference. The Special Olympics is something I truly am passionate about and if trashing my dress can help then let’s do this!

Where is your wedding dress?

Am I out of my mind?

I don’t often ask for favors… but I am today. Please take a quick minute, visit my Special Olympics page and donate just $ 1-$ 5. If you can’t then that’s okay too! But please help spread the word by sharing with your friends. Let’s see what we can make happen!?!?

Oh goodness.

The post Top Ten Thursday: Top 10 Reasons To Destroy My Wedding Dress appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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