21 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: Top 10 Reasons Why You Had A “Weak” Workout Day

By admin

Last week I talked about how quickly the days were flying by… this week I am feeling the opposite. Maybe it’s because I am excited for Saturday or maybe it’s just one of “those” weeks.

While the week might be going slower than I would prefer, my workouts this week have been awesome. I am in the middle of testing new workouts for the upcoming Toned In 20 Program and wow, they are kicking my tush, in a great way.

I wish every week was filled with back to back great workouts, but like weeks, that just isn’t the case. Sometimes we all suffer from one of “those” workouts.

You know the kind, where no matter what, you just can’t get into it, or after just the first reps of an exercise, your body feels fatigued and weak already.

What gives?

You feel like you gave yourself plenty of rest (or did you) and you had been looking forward to your workout all day. So why now does your body refuse to get into the fitness groove and pump out a sweaty, muscle burning, heart thumbing workout?

bad weak workout

Top 10 Reasons For A Bad Workout

1. You didn’t rest your muscles enough. 


While exercise feels great, it puts a beating on your body. You might have heard it before, but you should never work out the same muscle groups back to back days, it takes at least 48 hours after an intense workout to recover for the next one.

And still, depending on the intensity, duration, and overall burn of the workout, 48 hours might not be long enough. If you have really been working hard and pushing yourself further than before, you might need to take a 3rd day of recovery to allow your body to fully recover. Consider it a taper and take Nike’s (my cat) advice, rest is awesome!

2. You didn’t properly pre-fuel. 


Think of your body like a car, what happens if you have no gas in the tank? You won’t make it to the end of the driveway. Same thing, if you have no fuel in your body, your workout won’t get past the warm-up. You’ll get the jitters, feel like a slug and have to toss in the towel before you even use it to wipe your sweaty brow.

Always get something in your system about 90 minutes before a workout, that something should include a healthy dose of carbs and protein: a shake, sandwich, quinoa, etc. are great ideas.

3. You didn’t get enough sleep. 


If you spent the night tossing and turning then you are likely walking around on autopilot. While this might help get you through the work day, it probably won’t suffice for your workout. If you asked a trainer what was more important: Sleep or exercise? They will say sleep. If you know you’re lagging, then skip out on the workout and get a nap in instead. Your body will thank you.

4. You are bored with the current workout.


If you’re not feeling it, you’re not feeling it. When was the last time you challenged yourself, changed your workout up, or tried something completely different? If you’ve been doing the same thing for over 4-weeks now, not only will you loose steam but your results will slow down too. Change things up to get excited and energized about your workout. Have you tried Torched In 20?

5. You are not hydrated.

drink water

Did you now that just a 1% fluid loss can lead to an increased core temperature? A loss of 3-5% of your body weight can lead to serious cardiovascular problems, and a loss of 7%, you’ll likely find yourself passed out.

Make sure to drink water throughout the day, don’t wait until your workout to grab for a water bottle. Aim for about 2.2 liters of water a day, 3 if you’re training and working out. If you’re feeling slow mid workout, stop and take a few sips of water… you might feel refreshed immediately.

6. You have PMS.



Oh PMS, how we love you so. During that time of the month, there is a lot going on. The body is working a bit harder to make your cycle happen as smoothly as possible which means that you’re metabolism is revved and energy is being used up… that same energy that you would be using to tap into a great workout. Don’t use PMS as an excuse not to workout (exercise can actually help eleviate symptoms) but be aware of it and realize that you might not be on your “A” game during that week.

7. You overtrained.


There is such thing as too much exercise and no matter how hard you try, there is no avoiding the consequences of overtraining. It can lead to burnout, injuries, weight gain, sleep issues, appetite changes and much more.

Make sure you’re giving your body substantial rest between workouts, taking at least 2 rest days per week, changing up your workouts, and not following the idea that “more is better”.

8. You eat crap or not enough. 


Back to food! Keep this in mind,  if you eat crap you’ll feel like crap. Ask any athlete and I am sure that during their season they do not pig out on Shamrock shakes and fried chicken fingers. They eat the food that supplies their bodies with the most useful energy, vitamins and minerals.

I have made the mistake of eating junk before a workout and boy did I pay for it. Don’t do it… fuel up on clean eating foods. Not that you have to be perfect, follow the 80-20 rule: 80% clean, 20% whatever. If you want to be the best you can be, then you have to eat the best.

On the other side of the spectrum, I see women eating too few calories, not enough to keep them energized for their activities. Keep a food log to make sure you’re eating enough to get you through your workouts.

9. You are stressed.


Stress sucks, and it does not affect just our mental game. Stress can mess with hormones, energy levels and of course performance. If you feel you’re in a stressful place right now, acknowledge it and simply do the the best you can. Don’t let it keep you from working out. I think we can all agree that exercise is one of the best medicines for stress.

Make sure to talk with your doctor or professional about your stress and see if there is something else that needs to be done.

10. You just are not into it.


Sometimes it’s okay to have one of those days where you just aren’t feeling it. Don’t feel  guilty. We have all been there. What I do recommend though, is still going to the gym to get your workout done, give it 10 minutes to see if you become into it and if not, walk away.

Trying to force it, only makes you build resentment and that’s not what exercise should be about. Go home, relax and try again tomorrow. If it happens again tomorrow, then its time to just bite the bullet and workout any ways or try a new type of exercise that might build some excitement! If you are new to exercise, it could just be about creating a habit, if that’s the case even on the days you’re not feeling it, do it. After a week or two, you’ll see those feelings disappear.

-Do you ever have “weak” days during workouts? 
-How do you get pumped up on days you’re just not into it?

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