21 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Two Moms In The Raw GiveAway & How To Set A PR {Vlog}

By admin

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend, we did. It was busy but great. In case you missed it, I ran the Charleston Half Marathon on Saturday, and set a new personal record (PR).

A lot of you have asked me about my training for halves, so I decided to focus on that for the fitness portion of today’s show.

ALSO… and this is something I am super excited about: Two Mom’s In The Raw has allowed me to do a giveaway on LR today! I have talked about them a lot since I first grabbed one of their bars in Starbucks so to get to try and give away their other items, I am super pumped!

But watch the video to get all the details!

Two Mom’s In The Raw Give Away


1 lucky reader will receive a package that includes all of the items shown above! All items are raw, vegan, and delicious. It’s sad but all we have left is 1 lonely granola bar. Everything is that good.

To enter:

  • Leave a comment below telling me what your favorite healthy snack food is.
  • For an extra entry, Tweet and/or Facebook this post. Simply leave a second comment telling me that you did. For ease, you can just copy/paste this tweet:

Just entered a yummy #vegan giveaway for delish treats from @TMITR at: http://goo.gl/Hjd2E 

How To Set A PR: 

To recap, here are my tips on PR:

1. Train For It – Like You Want It

If you run the same speed in all your runs, then don’t expect your speed to increase. Train to get faster. This includes doing speed intervals, shorter runs but at faster speeds and incorporating other trainers such as hill work.

2. Set Yourself Up RIGHT At The Race

If it’s a big race, don’t hangout in the middle of the group. Start over on the side so that you can easy go around people and not be in the thick of it all.

3. Mentally Prepare (Believe In Yourself!)

Tell yourself that you can do it. Don’t just say, “oh I might” or “I don’t know if I can.” Whether you succeed at the PR or not, go into it say, “Hell yea, I got this.” I am a strong believer that 90% of running is mental. So mentally prepare for success! One way I do that is to picture the time that I want. Sometimes it even helps going so far as to making a graphic or writing it down someplace I can see it.

Like I did here: half marathon goalThough I didn’t hit this goal, but I got pretty darn close and got the PR, which is what the real goal was. 

4. Strength (Cross) Train

Recently I have changed my strength training workouts. I have focused a bit more on my legs. More specifically on doing high reps with my legs, using somewhat high weight. For example, I was doing a total of 100 walking lunges with a 70 pound barbell. It takes more than just running to be a good runner. Strength train to make the body stronger so that you’re strong on race day.

5. Give It Your All At The End

You’re tired, your legs are heavy, your breathing is fast… but when you see that finish line pump with everything you have to finish with sprint to the finish. Even if it’s not a sprint still dig deep to find it to finish off as fast as possible. Sometimes this is funny because I am so dead that I’ll ask Dan… “Did you see me sprint?” and he will giggle and reply back, “that was not close to your sprint.” Oh, my bad, sure felt like it.

sprint to the finish
6. Pace With Someone

That is, as long as that someone is running at the speed you need them to. Some people like doing this, some don’t. My mom was a runner growing up and this was the first tip she ever gave me. I’ve been finding a pacer to run near since my very first race. I always tell myself I’ll stick with them and then at the end give it my all to finish first. A little friendly competition is what personally drives me. But again, it has to be someone that is running at the speed you need. I did this yesterday!

7. Use Technology

This isn’t a must but I will say it helps to wear my GPS while I am running. Every other water station, I like to glance down and see how fast I am moving. That way I can judge if I can pull back a little or if I need to push a little harder. Again, this isn’t a must but it helps me. It also helps me to make sure I don’t come off the start too fast, an issue I have faced lots in the past. Start too fast and you’ll slow too fast.

Good luck on the giveaway! It will run from TODAY (1-21-13) until Wednesday at 12 pm. The winner will be announced on Thursday’s post.

The post Two Moms In The Raw GiveAway & How To Set A PR {Vlog} appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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