03 April 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Ultra Training Log: Week 4

By admin

Happy Good Friday!

Easter is one of my favorite holidays. You better believe I’ll be dying eggs and even attempting to make this Peep-Filled Cake!


Though my version might be attempt to create a, “Eat This Instead” version without the grains, loads of sugar and butter. But we’ll see. I do promise there will be a real Peep or two.

Peeps hold a very special place in my heart. When I was a kid, my grandmother knew that I loved them and since I spent afternoons at my grandparents’ house, she would pick up tons of boxes at the store right after Easter when the candy was marked 50-70% off. I would literally have enough Peeps to last me until summer.

I miss that lady!


Anyways, I hope that you have a wonderful and crazy fun weekend too!

Oh, one more thing before I fill you in on my training… The next few days are filled with birthdays in my family so shout outs are required!

Today is my mother-in-law’s birthday! Happy Birthday MomB (she reads the blog).
Tomorrow is my brother’s… Happy Birthday Chad!!


And Monday… I turn the big 3-1! Yes my brother and I are 2 days apart! Ahh, Officially in my 30s, hello 31. I welcome you with open arms.

Now… let’s do our traditional training log.

Ultra Training Log: Week 4

Last week was a big one for me… it was a mileage PR and it felt great. Seriously, one of those weeks where every run felt strong. Best week yet!


  • Monday: Strength Workout as part of the #T&BWorkoutChallenge <— My arms and shoulders were sore for days!
  • Tuesday: 4 Miles <— With Ashton and Dan.
  • Wednesday: 8 Miles <— Windy and extremely humid all sub 8.45 pace


  • Thursday: 4 Miles & Kettlebell Training <— Easy workout focusing on improving form!
  • Friday: REST DAY!
  • Saturday: 14 Miles <— With Jeanette on gorgeous Daniel Island. My last mile was 8.15 pace! Check out that sunrise below.
  • Sunday: 7 Miles <— Ran garages downtown! I was amazed at how much fun these were and how quickly the miles passed.


Total Miles: 37 Miles
Total Strength Workouts: 2 (Monday’s workout smoked me!)

I definitely took it a bit easier this week on my lifting. I wanted to make sure my body was 100% recovered from being sick.

What is your favorite Easter Candy?

Whip Six Feed

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