29 July 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Unhealthy Confessions From Healthy Living Bloggers

By admin

Remember when I used to confessions of a personal trainer?

I loved doing those! I would still do them however I feel as if I have revealed all of my confessions. As a trainer, I have nothing else to reveal. You know me inside and out.

But I’ve been craving a confessions post, so instead of sharing just my little confessions, I thought I would share the confessions of several of my fellow healthy living blogger’s confessions.

Some of these ladies are trainers, some dietitians, all have a passion for a healthy life filled with fitness and real food, and none are perfect.

I had the best time reading their confessions and I hope you do as well!

Unhealthy Confessions From Health Bloggers

Unhealthy Confessions Of Healthy Living Bloggers

Unhealthy Confessions Of Healthy Bloggers

“Sometimes I go to Whole Foods and the only thing I buy is a piece of vegan vanilla cake… and that’s my lunch!”

-Amanda at RunToTheFinish

“I eat Cherrios for at least one meal pretty much every day!”

-Lindsay at TheLeanGreenBean

“I have lots… I drink beer VERY regularly. I eat pizza, delivery, once a week. There are currently 5 pints of Ben & Jerry’s in my freezer… and my husband and I WILL duke it out for the 5th one. I’m really bad at foam rolling and stretching after workouts, thought I make it a priority for my clients. And finally, I really dislike ab work… if I’m pressed on time it will get nixed.”

-Paige at YourTrainerPaige

Unhealthy Confessions

“I have lots of them! I’m a professional runner, and a runner that really needs to monitor everything that goes into my mouth. I definitely have a bowl of ice cream with sprinkles and chocolate chips most nights (and it might be more than a single serving). When I get froyo, it’s not really froyo but a bowl of candy with a little frozen yogurt on top to help wash it down. When it comes to fitness, I’m supposed to do breathing exercises every day, ha… I’m lucky if I do them once a week!”

-Tina Muir at TinaMuir

“I am a fitness instructor who’s sick of the intense hard-core fitness hype. There, I said it. Also, dinner is usually my biggest meal, which we eat late, like after 9pm and with carbs!”

-Lindsay at CotterCrunch <– Yesterday was her birthday! Go say Happy Birthday :)

“Nutrition is mentally hard for me. I love wine, cocktails and beer. I love food and would really prefer not to track. I forget (how convenient) to stretch/foam roll, oh, and I 80% of the time I don’t drink enough water.”

-Heather at Fitaspire


“Sometimes dinner is chips and guacamole! I’ve been known to skip strength training just to log more miles when I’m tight on time… which is a lot.”

-Angela at HappyFitMama

“I eat frozen pizza for dinner almost every Friday. If I have to choose between strength and cardio workouts, strength wins every time. I count walking my dog as a workout way too often. I prefer sugar in my coffee… always.”

-Erin at TheAlmondEater


“I hate hate HATE it in theory, but I still choose sugar-free options to safe calories because I’m scarred from too many years of calorie counting. Cheese is one of my primary food groups as is wine. Oh, and bourbon. Sometimes I just can’t resist parmesan truffle fries.”

-Ariana at ArisMenu

“I love my wine! A lot. I eat in front of the tv and enjoy dessert pretty much every night. And we’re not talking just fruit. Dining out at gourmet restaurants if my favorite pastime!”

-Jessica at Nutritioulicious

What Have We Learned?

That being healthy isn’t about being perfect… that being unhealthy is sometimes actually healthy! 

All of these ladies are women that I admire and look up to. They simply verify that to be healthy means moderation…

Wine, pizza, ice cream… it’s not something that has to be banned from our lives!

We all have our little hang ups and areas in our fitness that we should do better at, yet at the end of the day, we don’t.

Like many of the bloggers above, I suck at stretching. My calves are tight, my ankles often sore and my back a constant reminder that I need to grab the SuperNova. Yet I don’t.

Would I be better if I did? Yes! Yet, I continue to keep trucking along without it. I’m sure it will bite me in the butt one day.

A few confessions…

I said I was clean out of confessions, but…

  • I found a piece of dark chocolate in the freezer the other day (okay, 2 pieces) and didn’t tell Dan. I ate the both and they were amazing.
  • Sometimes before I get out of bed, I look at my stomach to see how flat it looks. I then wish it would look like that when I was standing. It never does.
  • Since the Spartan Race, the farthest I have run is 5.5 miles. With a 10 mile race just around the corner, I’m a lot more laid back than I should be.”

I have a feeling I could keep coming up with confessions, but I want to hear yours!

What health confession would you like to share?

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