12 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Urban Remedy: 3-Day Metabolic Cleanse

By admin

Yup, I did it. Last night I finished completing a 3-day Metabolic Cleanse by Urban Remedy.

Urban Remedy contacted me a while back asking if I would like to try one of their latest kits. Having done a juice cleanse before…

My first instinct was to say NO.

With half marathon training combined with the intensity of my workouts lately, I just didn’t feel I was in the right place to do a juice cleanse.

Juice cleanses are restrictive, low calorie and to be honest, boring. I like food and I love the art of chewing.

But when I actually took the time to look over the new kits at Urban Remedy, I found out that the company understands people’s love of food and instead of making it 100% juices, their kits actually combine real food with their cold presses juices (which I already knew I loved).

I also have lots of people ask my about cleanses all the time, and finally decided to go for it. It’s just 3 days, and to be honest, my diet has included a bit too much protein and carbs and not enough veggies lately so I was actually pretty pumped.

I went with the metabolic kit which is designed to help kick start your body to run efficiently and to get a healthy base going for clean eating.


Urban Remedy Metabolism Kit

Each day has about 1400 calories worth of food, which for weight loss is great for most people. For me, I needed more so I was excited to learn that it’s not frowned upon to add in food (as long as it’s clean).

Here’s what my kit looked like:

Breakfast: Green Berry Shake/Tea/Diet Spike

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Tasted like a berry smoothie! Delicious!

The Diet Spike is one of their herbal complexes that “have been micro-digested into extremely small, highly bioavailable particles using a special fermentation process in a base of probiotics.”

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I don’t know what that all means, but it sounds good. There are many different spikes depending on the kit/juice you’re participating in.

The Diet Spike contains: green tea, reservatrol, probiotics, purified water and organic alcohol.

You take 3 of these little vials each day over the 3 days. And to warn you, it taste terrible. They suggest putting it in a juice but I just shot each back quickly. I didn’t want to ruin the taste of a great juice.

Snacks: No Oatmeal Cookies/Time Machine/Apple/Tea

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I love, love, loved these snacks! Well, more specifically the cookies and Time Machine. I would buy these cookies all the time for a treat! And felt it was plenty enough to hold me between meals.

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The apple is for an afternoon snack, this is the snack time where I needed more. So I enjoyed a scoop of homemade almond butter and a few frozen cherries as well.

The tea is delicious!

Lunch: Spring Rolls/Spike/Tea

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The spring roll lunch was really tasty and to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised. For some reason, I didn’t go in with big expectations.

The freshness and flavor were great, however this was the only meal where I finished and wanted more.

Yesterday, I wasn’t starving for a mid morning snack so I kept my Time Machine (which turned out to be my favorite juice) for lunch which helped and made me feel much more satisfied.

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I think it was more the small portion size than anything. But having a juice with this meal would really help make it more complete.

Dinner: Zen Salad/Glow


I have nothing but good things to say about both of these. The Zen Salad was delicious, crisp and the dressing was amazing. I LOVED it, in fact I will be recreating it for lunch next week.

The salad alone was enough to fill me up. It was a struggle to down my Glow Shake. I was definitely satisfied.

Overall Thoughts

So you’re probably wondering… did I lose any weight?

Well… according to my scale I lost 2 pounds, but I am contributing that to water weight because I was actually hydrated (a rarity for me).  I can definitely tell I was able to lose some bloat, so that’s always a plus.

But here’s what I always want to stress about these 3-day cleanses…

It’s not about losing weight.

These cleanses are about giving your digestive system a bit of a break from having to work hard breaking down processed foods, as well as helping flood your body with high nutrition dense foods like fruits and vegetables.

Over the course of the 3 days I took in over 15 servings of fruits and vegetables.

This was the easiest cleanse I’ve ever participated in, the first one where I wasn’t counting the hours until it was over.

Did I stick to it 100%?

Nope, Like I mentioned above when I was hungry post workouts, I snacked on all-natural foods. And I also drink 1 cup of coffee a day (which is a no-no) but I needed my cup of joe. I’m addicted, so sue me.

Thanks Urban Remedy for allowing me the opportunity to try your kits out, what a fun way to get a juice cleanse done without doing a full juice cleanse!

*While the kit was given to me, I was not compensated for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Have you or would you ever do a juice cleanse?

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