26 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Vegan Red Velvet Pancake Recipe: Pancake Obsession Continues:

By admin

Good morning! I’ve decided to make Tuesday’s the perfect day to share recipes with you. Perhaps I should entitle it “Get In My Tummy Tuesdays“… thoughts?

Anyways, it’s no secret that I am obsessed with pancakes, as seen here, here, and here. I  love going to bed on Saturdays because it means I get to have them on Sundays (it’s the only time I am not out of the house by 6am), making Sunday my favorite day of the week.

In fact, I adore breakfast in general. A good thing too since it really is the most important meal of the day.

A study carried out by Hill and Wing in their research project, The National Weight Control Registry, found that only 4% of 2,959 successful weight loss stories (lost it and kept if off for at least 6-years) did so without eating breakfast.

Why is it so important that you make these pancakes?

vegan red velvet pancakes

Because the idea is that people who skip out on breakfast feel hungrier as the morning progresses and end up eating more than they normally would. Plus breakfast wakes up the body and fires up your metabolism.

A good breakfast starts a great trend to a healthy eating kind of day. Which is why I love being able to eat these amazing pancakes free of guilt and full of flavor!

*I made these before Project Pegan, and am working on converting them over so I can have them this weekend!

Vegan Red Velvet Pancakes

red velvet pancakes


1/3 cup oats

1 tsp chia seeds (or flax meal)

1 small cooked beet*

1 1/2 unsweetened cocoa

1/4 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/3 cup almond milk


1/2 tsp stevia (optional)

Coconut oil (for skillet)


1. Heat up a skillet on medium heat along with coconut oil.

2. In a small blender or food processor blend together all the rest of the ingredients until smooth. You might have to add a bit extra milk depending on the size of the beet to make it a pancake consistency.

3. Once the pan is hot, pour batter in and cook on each side 3-4 minutes until cooked through.

4. Top with honey or syrup.

red velvet pancakes

These are great for just a quick breakfast or perfect for surprising your family with a “special” type of breakfast. The sprinkles just add a bit of wow affect!

– What’s your favorite Sunday morning breakfast?
– Sweet or savory?

I am a sweet breakfast eater for sure. If it’s not a pancake, I love oatmeal and shakes. Dan on the other hand is a more savory type of guy… his go to breakfasts are centered around eggs and veggies. Though from time to time he does just crave a good French Toast.

The post Vegan Red Velvet Pancake Recipe: Pancake Obsession Continues: appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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