27 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Wanna Have A {Virtual} Latte Date?

By admin

I’ve seen several other bloggers do these and I love reading them, so I thought for a light Friday let’s talk and connect over a warm frothy almond milk latte.


If we were having a coffee date, I would tell you…

I am happy. Like really happy. I’m not sure what has changed lately but something has, it’s as if everything has clicked (for the time being) and while there have been some rocky patches to my days, overall I am happy with life right now. It’s almost overwhelming and hard to accept because I feel as if we’re always looking for the next issue to arise. <— More on this Monday.

But if we were sitting over a cup of coffee, I would take a sip, smile and feel giddy as a school girl trying to explain myself.


If we were having a coffee date, I would tell you…

The paleo challenge is over in just a few days! I’ve been very diligent and though I don’t think I’ve lost any weight, I’m pretty excited to compare my side by side pictures. More than my physical appearance though, I feel as if my recovery times between workouts have been faster, my muscle soreness has been less (while workouts have been harder) and I actually feel really energized, something I was nervous about because of cutting back on carbs.

But this doesn’t mean I’m staying paleo. I can’t wait for a craft beer, a chocolate coconut espresso porter from Homegrown Brewhouse, to be exact. It’s been on my mind for a month!


If we were having a coffee date, I would tell you…

Tomorrow is the Bull Dog Challenge! It’s a 4-Man 10K obstacle race put on by the Citadel Military College. It’s extremely tough as you’re forced to carry several sandbags from start to finish, carry ammo boxes, complete stadiums, oh, and craw through pluff mud.


Our first time! 

I love this race but this year they moved it up a few months which means that pluff mud will be freezing cold. Not to mention this entire week has been plagued by rain and freezing temperatures. My excitement has decreased quite a bit. Now it’s just about getting it done.

At least I have a great time: Dan, Ashton, and Jared (Ashton’s boyfriend).

If we were having a coffee date, I would tell you…

I need more coffee dates! I love spending time with my friends over workouts but rarely do we get the opportunity to just sit, relax and enjoy one another’s company over a hot latte or glass of wine. I need to do better with this. Katie, will you move back please!?


And finally, if we were having a coffee date, I would tell you…

I am over this weather. Pretty much because there is no way you can sit together over a dreary, wet, day and not bring it up. I know everyone has had a rough winter. We’ve been lucky, but this past week has just been horrid. March 20th (the first day of spring) needs to get here faster! I’m ready for sunshine, tank tops, and the ability to sit in my home without a blanket around me.

I know I said that was the final thing, but I hate concluding on a negative. So…

I would also say…

Thank you for your time, your friendship and lending a compassionate ear. Let’s plan a second date soon!



What’s something you would say?

Whip Six Feed

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